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#TBT Can I Contribute to Both a SEP and a 401(k)?
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The IRS very clearly says, “Yes, you can set up a SEP for your self-employed business even if you participate in your employer’s retirement plan at a second job.”

Does the Date of My Birth Affect My Contribution Limit?
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Thankfully, the IRS does not care what specific day you were born on, only which year.

#TBT My Grandfather’s Journal: Don’t Be Afraid to Try
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I have enjoyed rereading the journal of my maternal grandfather, Donald Mortlock. He started writing it on his 75th birthday.

Did My Lump Sum Rollover Mess Up My Backdoor Roth?
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Depending on how you initiated the lump sum rollover, you may be in luck.

#TBT Your Asset Allocation Should Be Priceless
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Rebalancing from stocks into bonds reduces your returns on average since bonds have a lower average return. But, as this 2015 article reminds us, there are decades of very choppy markets where even rebalancing an allocation of stocks and bonds can boost returns.

How to Budget for Emergencies
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It is possible to be prepared for financial emergencies by living 10% more frugally and saving for the inevitable eventuality.

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Marotta Wealth Management is a team of fee-only financial advisors in Charlottesville, VA. We are fiduciaries who sit on your side of the table to help you meet your financial goals. Our clients receive a high level of customer service as we strive to provide comprehensive financial planning.

Clients who benefit the most from our wealth management services are small business owners, university professors, or other super-savers who are busy productively saving wealth and want to delegate the financial management to a team of professionals.

If you want to get started quickly, simply call the firm at 434-244-0000 or contact us online to start the process of becoming one of our valued clients.

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