Financial Peace University in Charlottesville
The Dave Ramsey website has a list of upcoming classes in the Charlottesville area with start dates varying from September 13 through October 11.
The Dave Ramsey website has a list of upcoming classes in the Charlottesville area with start dates varying from September 13 through October 11.
The only correct answer to Debit or Credit is “Credit!”
Rumors suggest that the network’s vetting is a five minute process where you are told the fees are about $1,000 a month.
David John Marotta was interviewed on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the Equifax breach and Financial Peace University.
Financial Christmas gifts don’t need to be a piggy bank. They can be more serious and more meaningful than that.
Money plays such a personal role in our lives that most people learn early on to keep their financial affairs a secret. These shadows promote many different varieties of financial pathologies and distress.
If money is among the most common causes of domestic spats, it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that almost one in four Americans would try to hide money troubles from their spouses.
Most financial planners have a difficult time helping clients reduce their spending habits and start saving.