Investing for the New Year – Wealth Management Carnival #8

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Investing for the New Year - Wealth Management Carnival #8

This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival deals with investments, how-to tips, and some advice you may want to incorporate into your 2013 Resolutions.

Cruise Control is Only Good in Moderation
Dividend Growth Investor presents Buy and Hold means Buy and Monitor posted at Dividend Growth Investor.
“Experienced dividend investors have learned, mostly through practice, that successful dividend investing is focused on continuous analysis of new or existing investments. Some of the greatest dividend growth stocks today, could become the pariahs on Wall Street within a few short years, if it runs into financial trouble. As a result, serious dividend investors should keep a close tab on their portfolios of income securities.”

So You Want to Open a Brokerage Account?
Harry Campbell presents Guest Post: What to Look for in an Online Brokerage posted at Your Personal Finance Pro.
“We’ve all seen the commercials for online brokerages; one has a green line, another wants you to talk to someone named Chuck, and still others have celebrity pitchmen telling you to take control of your financial future with their platform. They’re all members of the multi-billion dollar online brokerage industry. Up until the last few decades, if you wanted to invest in the stock market, you had to go through a high priced broker that might charge you several hundred dollars.”

Rental Homes: Protect Your Investment
Gary presents Buying Rental Home Insurance posted at
“Buying a rental property because you want to be a real estate investor in retirement and live off passive income? Great – you have the right mindset. Now, protect your property and investment by purchasing rental home insurance and learn about the benefits.”

Some People Like Life Insurance
Josh Thompson presents Cash Value Life Insurance posted at Becoming Your Own Bank.
“Cash value life insurance may not be as bad as you think, in fact, it may be better than your current investments, or a great part of an overall investment portfolio.”

Apple vs. Google or Google + Apple?
Pete presents Could Apple And Google Finally Become Smart About Their Rivalry? posted at Intelligent Speculator.
“Could these two rivals finally work together?”

Do People Like Bonds or Dislike Stocks?
Michael Kitces presents Why Being Invested In Bonds At Today’s Rates May Be Entirely Rational After All posted at Nerd’s Eye View.
“As money continues flowing from stocks to bonds – despite sky-high bond prices and their associated ultra-low interest rates – there is increasing concern that investors may soon be blind-sided by at best a savage bond bear market, and at worst a bond bubble that pops. But are investors really buying into bonds because they’re bullish on bonds, or because they’re bearish on stocks with few appealing alternatives?”

No Need to Throw Money Away on Expenses
Roger Wohlner presents Mutual Fund Expenses Where Real Holiday Savings Can be Found posted at The Chicago Financial Planner.
“Where to save a few dollars on this item or that has been the focus of many news stories and discussion. While we all like to save money on the things we buy, these savings are chump change compared with the savings opportunities available by reducing your expenses on the mutual fund and ETFs in which you invest. Here are 5 tips for reducing your investing costs for mutual funds and ETFs to help grow your investments for retirement, college savings, and other goals.”

Think Before You Spend Down Capital
Ken Faulkenberry presents This is the Biggest Risk of Investing posted at Arbor Investment Planner.
“The biggest risk of investing is losing your principal. This may seem intuitive, yet few investors have a risk management plan. Let’s get started.”

When Exercising, You Increase Reps. In Saving, You Increase Percentages.
FMF presents The Power of 1% All the Way Around posted at Free Money Finance.
“After I wrote about the difference 1% can make in your career, I ran into this calculator from the NY Times that shows the benefit of saving an additional 1% of your income each year. I like the concept but the calculator has one big flaw — it only allows you to get to where you’re saving 16% of your income. They are on the right track, but saving 16% of your salary is not enough if you want to retire safely. You have to go higher.”


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Carnival images are by impressionistic artist Leonid Afremov using a palette knife and oils. They are used with his permission.

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Wealth Manager

Austin Fey is a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management, specializing in charitable giving and asset allocations. She is a regular contributor to our Marotta On Money articles, often giving advice to those just getting started in finance.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for hosting and including me! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. | Nerd's Eye View

    Why Being Invested In Bonds At Today’s Rates May Be Entirely Rational After All…

    As retail investor surveys show money continuing to rotate from stocks to bonds – despite sky-high bond prices and their associated ultra-low interest rates – there is increasing concern that investors may soon be blind-sided by at best a savage bond b…