David Loughin was a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management specializing in new client onboarding and paperwork.
He holds a B.A. in Economics from Virginia Tech.
He worked at Capital One as a business and credit analyst in 2014.
David worked with Marotta Wealth Management as a Wealth Manager from 2015 to 2017.
Authored Articles
Healthcare Stocks And Asking “Relative To What?”
Why do our portfolios systematically overweight healthcare stocks?
The Case for Investing in Energy Companies
Energy’s low correlation with nearly every other major asset class means even very conservative investors should consider over-weighting Energy stocks.
Investing In Hong Kong Has Lowered Risk and Boosted Returns
We allocate a portion of our managed portfolios to foreign stocks, and Hong Kong is the highest ranked country on the latest edition of the Index of Economic Freedom.