Why Can’t Our Social Security System Be More Chilean?
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Both economists and reasonable citizens understand that reforming our Social Security system is inevitable.

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value: Annuity Planning
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Without a doubt, the best single annuity option for any client – that is, the option that creates the higher monthly cash payment – is to delay Social Security.

World Performance – September 2013
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Historically September has one of the worst averages, but this year it provided very good returns.

Wealth Inequality in America, Part 3
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Even the negative or inconsequential effects of welfare often fail to convinced some people that a new system of assistance is necessary.

Who Gets Your Stuff When You Die Without a Will?
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It can be tricky to figure out who your “next of kin” is, so here’s a handy flowchart to help you figure out who gets everything you leave behind if you don’t have a will.

Countries with Economic Freedom – July, August, & September 2013 Returns
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We recommend investing in countries which are high in economic freedom and low in debt and deficit.

Northern Europe Performance – September 2013
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Northern European countries averaged 6.23% in September 2013.

Who Are the Bogleheads?
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At the reunion, Bogle shared that he’s just a common guy with some really good ideas.

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value: Dynamic Withdrawals
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Having a plan not to run out of money is priceless.

Six Asset Classes – September 2013 Returns
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In September 2013 the returns of foreign stocks beat US stocks by 4.25%.

Wealth Inequality in America, Part 2
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Blaming the 85% with 100% of the wealth for the poverty of the remaining 15% is unreasonable. The two are unrelated.

2013 IRA & Roth Contribution Limits
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There’s still time to make sure you’ve maxed out your retirement contributions — your future self will thank you.

When To Say No: 7 Investments to Avoid
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“A well-designed financial plan can get derailed by the wrong investment. Here are seven things investors can probably do without.”

If Tiger Woods Can Contribute To A Roth, So Can You – Via Back Door
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A backdoor Roth IRA contribution requires some extra steps but allows high-income earners equal access to the tax-free benefits of a Roth IRA.

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value: Tax Efficiency
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A dollar saved on your taxes is better than a dollar earned which causes you to pay more tax.

Republican Genius: Budgeting One Item At A Time
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The partisan deadlock offers us a novel opportunity to reach consensus.

Radio: Is a Government Shutdown Better Than No Government Restraint?
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Why is the business of government seen as passing spending bills? Why isn’t the job of our representatives to work toward government restraint?

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value: Total Wealth Asset Allocation
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Just how much value does a smart advisor bring with asset allocation and rebalancing wisdom?

Laura Donohue’s Comments at Cato Institution’s NSA Law Panel
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“The telephony, the bulk collection of America’s telephony metadata is contrary to the entire intent of Congress in enacting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It violates the statutory provisions of FISA. And it is unconstitutional.”

Money Management Lessons From a Relay Race
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Money meditations from the finish line.

Hitting The Debt Ceiling Is Still Not The End Of The World
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Spending, Debt and Deficit as a percentage of GDP continue to grow unchecked. What political process will ever stop them from bankrupting our country?

Wealth Inequality In America
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The video “Wealth Inequality in America” is not only misleading, but the research methods of its underlying study are laughable.

Marotta’s 2014 UVA Fidelity 403(b) Calculator
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Age appropriate asset allocation for 2014 using the choices available in the University of Virginia’s Fidelity 403(b) Tax Deferred Savings Plan (TDSP).

Marotta’s 2014 UVA Fidelity 401(a) Plans Calculator
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Age appropriate asset allocation for 2014 using the choices available in several of the University of Virginia’s Fidelity Retirement Plans.

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change, Part 3
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When a woman gets married she often changes her name. Once you’ve changed your name at the Social Security Administration, the DMV, your employer and employer benefits, and your passport, it’s time for the last few changes.

Rules For Selling Highly Appreciated Stock
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Now that the Bush tax cuts have expired and Obamacare will add additional tax burdens, many people need to think twice before realizing a large gain on their investments.

2013 Capital Gains Tax Table
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Here’s the tax table for the 2013 capital gains tax.

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value
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Planners can add the equivalent of a 1.82% annual arithmetic return to clients through five components.

Stupid Decisions Made During Government Shutdown
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The government continued to pay for their website hosting and the domain name licensing but hid all of the data from Internet users.

Ban On Domestic Propaganda Overturned
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Let’s spend $1.25 *billion* to enlist acceptance of Obamacare by young people.

Propaganda Blitz Scheduled for October 1
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Requiring employers to deliver government propaganda is genius.

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change, Part 2
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The DMV was my second stop in the name-change process because it makes subsequent name changes easier.

Financial Questions for the Serious Couple
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Studies show that couples argue most about finances. Being on the same page about finances will allow you to enjoy a life that focuses on your needs and goals and will help you achieve them smartly.

Continuing QE Helps Housing; But For How Long?
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When the Federal Reserve decided to maintain the $85 Billion monthly stimulus at their September policy meeting, they cited elevated mortgage rates as a top concern.

Importance of Accurate Compensation Disclosures For Consumers
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You deserve a fee-only fiduciary standard of care.

Why People Like Tony Stark But Hate Real-Life CEOs
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Obnoxious, playboy Tony Stark, more commonly known as Iron Man, is admired by his fictional and real fans alike. Why not real life CEOs?

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change
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For $50 and a lifelong commitment, you can legally change your identity!

World -July & August 2013 Returns
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Here are the returns for various global investments.

Northern Europe – August 2013 Returns
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In August 2013 the northern European countries did slightly worse than the EAFE Index.

The Beginning of the End for Skyrocketing College Costs?
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With this announcement, we are finally starting to see online education cause disruptions that can slow soaring college costs.

Precious Metals And Mining Recovers Some In Third Quarter
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It is a small investment which you should expect to be volatile and relatively disappointing when the markets are doing well.

The Driver of Future Behavior
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Investments consistently outperform investors.

Six Asset Classes – August 2013 Returns
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Returns in August were negative across the board with US stocks losing the most.

Wealth Inequality In America Series
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This series of blog posts were intended to be a more reasoned reply to a complex issue.

Using A Mortgage Wisely
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Most Americans have a home mortgage. The rich often have two.

Get Out Of Debt
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Getting out of debt is the first step to building real wealth.

Safety Second
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Fun first. Freedom first. Innovation first. Financial goals first. But not safety. No one says, “That looks safe; I wonder if it is fun.”

Radio: America’s Wealth Envy
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“Inheritance, almost uniquely, has the ability to anger both those who believe in equality of means and those who believe in equality of outcome.”

Beneficiary Designations: Per Capita or Per Stirpes?
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Before a grandmother passes away, both her sons predecease her. Left with only her daughter and grandchildren, depending on her titling one of three things may happen.

Is The Optimum Level Of Annuity Ownership Negative?
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Does it actually make sense that people should buy annuities as much as conventional wisdom says?

1 2 3 4 5 7

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