Once again in November, US stocks as represented by IVV fared the best bringing the year to date total return to 29.09%. Foreign stocks as represented by EFA, meanwhile, have a year to date return of 20.83%.
Many people wrongly assume that the difference between US and Foreign stocks is much greater this year than it actually is. This is because since the end of June, foreign stocks have been catching up until this month.
Last year in 2012, IVV (US Stocks) returned 15.91% while EFA (Foreign Stocks) returned 17.22%.
Resource stocks as represented by IGE have returned 13.48% year to date, but only 1.71% for 2012. The last two really good years for resource stocks were 23.23% (2010) and 36.93 (2009).
Perhaps in 2014 resource stocks and emerging markets will have the best returns simply because 2013 was not their year.