Matheson Russell

Financial Analyst

Matheson Russell was a Financial Analyst at Marotta Wealth Management, aiding the firm in their financial paperwork and analysis.

He began work with the firm in 2011 as an intern and then independent contractor for Marotta Wealth Management. At the same time, he worked seasonally for Skeen Law Offices assisting with tax preparation. Then in 2014, he officially joined the team as our tax and Roth conversion specialist and also joined Krisan’s Back Office, doing financial data management as a Portfolio Center specialist. He retired in 2020.

Matheson holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia and lives in Charlottesville with his wife, Megan.

Authored Articles

Marital Harmony with a Few ‘His’ and ‘Her’ Budgets
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Each spouse has different spending habits and values different things in life. This can easily lead to bitterness, or at the least, long discussions when the budget is reconciled.

Q&A: What’s My Roth Conversion Limit?
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The legal answer to this question is: there is no limit. The practical answer is: it depends on a number of things.

When Partial-Year HSA Contribution Limits Don’t Apply
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Under the “last-month rule,” you can contribute the full amount even after a partial year assuming you meet the “testing period.”

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When Partial-Year HSA Contribution Limits Don’t Apply

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Under the “last-month rule,” you can contribute the full amount even after a partial year assuming you meet the “testing period.”

Billing Client Accounts to the Client’s Greatest Benefit

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Investment managers can bring clients greater savings by carefully considering how they bill different types of accounts.

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