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Our Articles

How To Protect Yourself From Investment Rip Offs
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Six ideas to make sure you aren’t falling victim to commission-based products and services.

How to Keep Your Identity Safe Online
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Here are some rules for handling your digital security.

Infographic: Is Grad School a Good Investment?
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An alternate look at the formula using the case study of Kate the Social worker who wants an MBA from Georgetown University.

Financial Advisors’ New Patron Saint Just Cut From the Detroit Lions
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When Ryan Broyles scored a $3.6 million dollar contract after being drafted in the first round he did something quite rare – he sought as much advice as he could find.

How Much Can I Contribute To My SEP IRA?
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The calculations for this are a little strange. Here is the formula and two examples of how it works to help you.

Which Retirement Account Should I Fund?
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Which account you should fund depends on your circumstances, but here are some general guidelines you can follow to make your decision.

Which Emerging Markets ETF Should I Buy: VWO or EEM?
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They are based on different indexes and have different expense ratios.

Marco Rubio and Mike Lee’s Tax Plan
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Rubio and Lee do make definite improvements but sadly, this good is largely undone by a well-meaning but naive tilt of the playing field towards parents.

Steps for Getting Out of Debt
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I have outlined some steps to help you figure out how to pay down your debt and get back on track.

How Much Umbrella Insurance Do I Need?
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Umbrella insurance covers you for liability that goes above and beyond your auto and homeowners insurance.

Radio: Universal School Choice in Nevada
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Nevada’s universal school choice.

Is Graduate School a Good Investment? Here’s the Formula.
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Your future path is sure to take many unexpected twists and turns, but you should run the numbers. Your future self will thank you.

How Frequently Do New S&P 500 Highs Stick?
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Every time the S&P 500 hits new highs everyone wonders if these new highs will stick.

Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credits
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Virginia taxpayers can give generously and offset the cost of those gifts through tax credits and the avoidance of capital gains taxes.

Mailbag: What’s Better At Predicting Future Returns Than Morningstar Stars?
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How often did it pay to heed the star rating? Most of the time, with a few exceptions. Is there a better method to use?

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