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Our Articles

How Can I Contribute to Two Roths?
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The terminology is a little confusing, but you are allowed to have and contribute to both individual retirement accounts and employment-related retirement accounts.

Rand Paul’s Tax Plan
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2016 Presidential hopeful Rand Paul has released a sketch of an intriguing tax plan.

How to Convert Taxable Savings Into Your Roth IRA
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Most tax professionals don’t think of such tax planning opportunities, because they have to focus on complying with tax accounting regulations.

Our 10 Most Popular Posts So Far
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We have 1,292 posts on Marotta on Money, but here are the 10 most visited posts on our blog.

Lessons From The Lottery
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For those of us who don’t like playing the lottery, does the lottery have anything to offer us?

Mailbag: What Happened To The Markets In 2008?
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You shouldn’t invest in what you don’t understand.

What Should I Do With a 401(k) From a Previous Employer?
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You have 3 basic options, but whichever option you choose, do not lose track of the accounts you own.

Can I Fund My Roth With Book Publishing Royalties?
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Roth IRAs can only be funded with earned income and therein lies the confusion.

Do The Opposite of Wall Street Consensus?
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Contrarian indicators have paid off historically.

How to Save for Large Fast-Approaching Expenses
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The average married couple has dreams of multiple children, annual vacations, and homeownership, but planning for these expenses can be challenging.

Mailbag: Are Energy Funds A Good Buy?
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The connection between the price of oil and the price of oil companies is loose.

Second Quarter and Year-to-Date Returns for Our 6 Asset Classes
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Despite the headlines, the global equity markets posted gains last quarter and for the year.

The Behavior Gap: Finding Your Financial Balance
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Planning for your financial future is largely a question of dealing with the constant tension between living for today and saving for some future event.

How to Take Advantage of Student Loan Forgiveness
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You might think that you can’t qualify, but many well-paid families are eligible.

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