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Our Articles

How to Get Out of Debt: Summary
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This is a visual summary of the process of getting out of debt.

Managerial Lessons from Game Mastering
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Pen-and-paper roleplaying games have a lot of unique lessons to offer, particularly for policymakers and managers.

Mailbag: What Does The Shanghai Composite Being Down 32.1% Mean?
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Is it a crash or just a correction? On average, the drop from peak to trough takes 85 days and the markets have recovered after another 107 days.

How Quickly Should I Pay My Student Loans?
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For those who do not want to be investors, a fast-track repayment may be best. But for those willing to save and invest, there is a better option.

What Should I Do When They Close The New York Stock Exchange?
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Is there something I need to do today or tomorrow?

Investment Stewardship Has Come a Long Way
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Advisors have helped to shift fund management toward stewardship, but many fund companies still have room for improvement.

Only 20% of Advisors Avoid Active Management Strategies
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The majority of advisors make the mistake of having significant or moderate use of actively managed funds.

How to Intentionally Realize Capital Gains
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Careful tax planning can avoid much of the capital gains tax.

How to Get Out of Debt: Rebuild
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You have laid a good foundation: you are out of debt (or out of bad debt) and you’re ready for a clean start. Commit to keeping your financial life that way.

Why is Organic Food Expensive?
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Organic food has a reputation for being healthier than non-organic food, but neither of these claims should be taken at face value.

The Markets Are Inherently Volatile
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Most investors don’t understand what that means.

The Complete Guide to Automating Your Savings
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After automating your entire investment plan, you can save and invest without even having to watch.

Marotta’s 2015 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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If you are using Vanguard, we have created a gone fishing portfolio using only low-cost Vanguard mutual funds to help save money on transaction costs.

How to Get Out of Debt: Monitor and Adjust
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Real life rarely goes according to plan. Set aside time periodically to assess your progress.

What Is The Relationship Between Turnover Rate and Returns?
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A high turnover rate is not something you want in a stock fund.

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