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Our Articles

What Is Turnover Rate?
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Beware the turnover rate. It’s much wiser to invest in funds managed by people you trust.

The Crowd Is Usually Wrong
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Stocks less frequently traded have better returns.

What Is the Correlation Between Value, Growth, Large and Small Cap Stocks?
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The higher the correlation the greater the justification to put them in the same asset class.

The Asset Allocation Within Your Asset Allocation
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It is good to take the two categories which are most similar and use them as underlying sector divisions within the same larger asset class.

How to Get Out of Debt: Recognize the Problem
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Most people are comfortable with having some debt (like a mortgage, for example). But how much is too much?

Hidden Fees in Private Equity
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“Every pension plan in the nation is paying too much [for private equity], and it’s being hidden.”

Your Asset Allocation Should Be Priceless
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The value of not running out of money when making withdrawals cannot be measured.

Radio: Employment Tips for Recent Grads

David John Marotta and Megan Russell were interviewed on the radio discussing ways recent graduates can make themselves more attractive to employers in today’s tough job market.

Free eBooks for Lovers of Classic Literature
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If you’re not wedded to the idea of owning a hard copy, there are many options to find classics for free as ebooks.

What Is The Correlation Between US Stocks and Foreign Stocks?
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Correlations over the past year have been very low, while correlations over the past 10 years have been higher.

The Art of the Rebalancing Bonus
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Portfolio design and rebalancing is both a science and an art. Knowing that rebalancing boosts returns is useless unless you as the investor follow through.

How to Get Jobs for “Unemployable” Degrees
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The list of jobs for a History major seems quite short: Historian and Historic Preservation come quickly, then maybe Politics, if you think particularly hard about it.

A Golden Nugget from the Berkshire Hathaway’s Golden Anniversary
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This year’s golden nugget goes to Buffett’s definition of risk.

What Is Correlation?
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The correlation between two investment is used in portfolio construction and rebalancing.

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