We strive to provide the necessary resources for anyone to prepare their own investment plan and meet their financial objectives. We actively encourage the do-it-yourself people of financial planning to subscribe to our newsletter and provide themselves with comprehensive wealth management. For people who don’t want to do it alone, we encourage you to see if we are a good fit for you and get started as a client.
Why is Organic Food Expensive?
Organic food has a reputation for being healthier than non-organic food, but neither of these claims should be taken at face value.
The Markets Are Inherently Volatile
Most investors don’t understand what that means.
The Complete Guide to Automating Your Savings
After automating your entire investment plan, you can save and invest without even having to watch.
Marotta’s 2015 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
If you are using Vanguard, we have created a gone fishing portfolio using only low-cost Vanguard mutual funds to help save money on transaction costs.
How to Get Out of Debt: Monitor and Adjust
Real life rarely goes according to plan. Set aside time periodically to assess your progress.
What Is The Relationship Between Turnover Rate and Returns?
A high turnover rate is not something you want in a stock fund.
What To Do When The Stock Market Drops 1800 Points
What should you do before a market correction? What about after? The answer is the same.
How to Select Securities
Your investment strategy is critically important but the implementation requires wise fund selection.
Radio: Knowing When to Realize Capital Gains
David Marotta was interviewed on the radio discussing how to figure out know when to realize capital gains and how much to realize when you do.
What Is The Correlation Of Freedom Investing?
Should we have a “Free Countries Asset Class” or a “Foreign Stock Asset Class?”
What Is The Relationship Between Number Of Holdings and Returns?
There is no such thing as “over diversification.”
Should I Fund a Roth or a Traditional Account?
As with many financial decisions, our gut feelings deceive us on this matter.
How to Get Out of Debt: Implement Your Plan
Now that you know where you are headed and the steps you want to take to get out of debt, it is time to take action!
A Guide to Your W-4
All new employees have to fill out form W-4, but despite its ubiquity, most people don’t understand it.
Tax Alpha: How to Fix a Client Portfolio
Good financial planners can be worth their weight in gold in helping clients build a tax-efficient portfolio.