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Oil Price Predictions Are Essentially Meaningless
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“The most important thing I learned from my research was never to attempt to forecast the price of oil.”

“Citizenfour” Reminds Us We Should Still Be Outraged
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The domestic spying of the executive branch deserves our outrage. Efforts like “Citizenfour” that keep the issue in the public eye deserve our support.

Get Your Estate in Order, Pt. 3: Choose an Executor
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Who do I choose to be the executor of my estate? What will their basic duties be?

What Happened To The Australian Dollar?
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At first glance, AUNZ did not have great returns in 2014. But is that the whole story?

Taxed Enough Already?
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An unlimited power to tax necessarily involves a power to destroy.

Mailbag: Confused by Google And Yahoo Finance
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Q&A: “I don’t understand how to explain what happened to the share price. What was going on in the fund?”

Three Reasons To Engage In Gift Giving
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The new holiday cliché is to complain about hyper-materialism, but gifts and gift giving help shape our identities.

Get Your Estate In Order, Pt. 2: Physical Assets
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Today’s question: What do I want to happen to my physical belongings and assets after my death?

Dr. Seuss to Zombie Directors – Will You Please Go Now!
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In theory, the directors of a corporation are hired to provide independent oversight and protect shareholder interests. In practice, they’ve developed a reputation as country club chums with the executive managers.

Who Really Pays the Income Tax?
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Income taxes are the largest portion of the federal government’s annual tax haul. But who foots the bill?

Index of 2015 and 2014 Tax Tables
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Want the full list of tax tables? Here they are in one place for easy browsing.

The President’s Impact
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Obama evidently believes that politicians are elected to make a difference in the lives of Americans. The problem is that no one can opt out of a federal impact.

What Is The Alternative To An Annuity?
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An immediate fixed annuity is not an investment; it is an insurance product.

Grandparents: Is Your Helping Hurting Financial Aid?
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With careful planning, grandparents can ensure their gifts are not impeding a grandchild’s ability to access financial aid.

How Much Government: The Math
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See the math behind the dangers of having such a large number of people employed by government.

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