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Our Articles

Returns from the Countries with Economic Freedom
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Freedom investing beat the EAFE Foreign index by 7.92% in 2014.

2014 Returns for Our 6 Asset Classes
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When asset classes are not correlated that means they often move in different directions.

Understanding Cash Flow Is Critical
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Regardless of income level, overspending causes poverty.

Does Past Performance Have Anything To Do With Future Results?
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Is there a correlation which would justify talking about “the momentum of the markets”?

Fiduciary Fight Part 4: Fiduciary Oath
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“Take a version of this fiduciary oath to the brokers down the street and ask them to sign it. If they refuse, ask why.”

Trying to Talk to Government? Good Luck
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Despite a government “of the people, by the people, for the people”, I have found myself told time-and-again, “You’re on your own”.

One-Fund Investing
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Either of these funds would be a good choice for a one-fund investment if you really want to keep it simple, and you could invest in both of them if you want a two-fund strategy.

The Delirious Happiness of Free Market Choice
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Here is one of the most brilliant breakthroughs in all of food science and how it relates to almost every aspect of life.

Does Market Volatility Cause Post-Traumatic Stress?
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The best antidote to the stress of market volatility is to understand that the markets are inherently volatile.

Fiduciary Fight Part 3: Distinguish Between Brokers And Advisors
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I love that Bob Veres thinks that labeling someone as a broker or advisor would help bring clarity. It shows his optimism.

Guess What Statistic Has The Highest Correlation With The S&P 500?
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David Leinweber calls this technique, “torturing the data until it screams.”

Marotta’s 2015 Gone-Fishing Portfolio
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A gone-fishing portfolio keeps investing simple.

Marotta’s 2014 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Review
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A review of last year’s 2014 gone fishing portfolio returns.

Marotta’s 2015 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility.

Jorge Posada And Jose Contreras Failed To Safeguard Their Finances
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Their attorney, New York-based Barry Lax, says the two ballplayers are the latest professional athletes abused by predatory financial advisors.

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