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Our Articles

Stop Borrowing From Yourself
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Stop borrowing from your future self. Each day you fail to save is another day where you tighten the ball and chain around your ankle. You deserve better than that.

Radio: Charlottesville Real Estate
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David John Marotta appeared on the radio discussing Charlottesville real estate, interest rates, and how you should not let a daunting pile of mortgage paperwork stop you from purchasing a home.

How To Buy A College Degree
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Unfortunately, Obama’s good intentions are thwarted by the economic principle formulated by banker Charles Goodhart.

Cheating Isn’t Just For Students
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Increased pressure will only force more teachers to choose between their integrity and their salaries.

Financial Willpower
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The amount of energy available in the brain to exercise self-regulation and resist temptation is a limited resource. When the account runs out, well… you know the kind of decisions you make.

What Investors Really Want
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“In reflecting on our experiences as advisers and investors, we’ve come up with what we believe are the key and often unspoken wants and needs of our investors.”

The Economics of a Thanksgiving Turkey
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The average factory-farmed frozen turkey from a grocery story is sold for as little as $0.67 per pound. Economics can offer five explanations.

2015 IRA and Roth Contribution Limits
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Here are the 2015 contribution limits and income phaseouts for contributions to Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs for retirement saving planning.

Five Principles Of Spending
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How to judge if your money was well spent.

Ten Red Flags Of Emails Trying To Steal Your Identity
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Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

We Need a Partial Shutdown of Government
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Unless McConnell is willing to risk a government shutdown, he will ultimately have to acquiesce to Obama’s wishes.

Radio: Parts of the Government Should be Shut Down
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David John Marotta was interviewed discussing government waste and what would happen if parts of the government were shut down.

Mailbox: Which States Allow Prize-Linked Savings Accounts?
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There are thirteen states so far. Does your state allow them?

Bogle’s Best Advice: Don’t Peek
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When it comes to finances, just shut your eyes and keep them closed.

Do New Healthcare Plans Cost More?
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Last year plans were being cancelled. This year, citizens are receiving notifications of rate hikes in the double digits. Is this really happening?

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