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Our Articles

The Influence of American Values on Garry Kasparov
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As a libertarian and former chess prodigy, I enjoyed very much an address by Gary Kasparov at the Cato Institute entitled, “The Influence of American Values.”

Planning Clients Often Don’t Get What They Pay For
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While I agree with the study, I don’t know that I agree with the prescribed solutions suggested.

Interview with Senatorial Candidate Robert Sarvis
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We e-mailed all the senatorial candidates inviting them to be interviewed on our blog. Of all the candidates, Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian 2014 Virginia Senatorial candidate, was the only one to respond.

The Drive of the Lottery
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The lottery is based on the most powerful way to motivate people and change their behavior: a variable reward in response to a specific behavior.

Tax Limits: 2015 Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
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It’s important to know the limits so you don’t over-contribute and incur tax penalties, but contribute just the right amount (based on your income) for your future standard of living.

How Can I Give to My New Grandchild?
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My daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first child, and my husband and I want to give some money for the child as a gift. What are my options?

How To Divide An Inherited Account Evenly
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There is no accounting for how many heirs an account might need to be divided among in an estate plan. Here are the best practices for how to divide the estate.

If You Wouldn’t Buy It, Why Keep It?
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The stock market is one of the few places that when things go on sale we are less likely to want to buy.

The Mindset of the Lottery
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The classic conversational pastime of answering the question, “What would you do if you won the lottery?” could help you or it could hurt.

Radio: Are U.S. Markets Overvalued?
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This radio interview covers the basics of what investing is, and how to think about investing, especially in U.S. Markets with a constant stream of information available.

Should You Be Building Bond Ladders In This Lower Rate Environment?
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There was an interesting article by Joseph Lisanti in Financial Planning Magazine entitled, “Should You Be Building Bond Ladders?” which read in part: As with many strategies, laddering works best for clients with sufficient assets to benefit fully from it. … Read More

Which Public Policies Help to Decrease Disparities in the Distribution of Wealth?
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What if only enough redistribution were applied so that the top 1% (or whatever top segment) has just 15% of all wealth instead of 40% or whatever it is now?

The Luck of the Lottery
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Government-run lotteries have a sordid and monopolistic past. Should we enforce a separation of sin and state?

Advisors Focus On Panic Prevention In Volatile Market
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Our brains are not wired well for handling the fluctuations in the stock market. Could a financial advisor help?

Achieving Financial Peace Of Mind
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One goes to bed, while the other sits down to manage the family finances.

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