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Our Articles

Most Americans Want Financial Advice From Humans
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An article title caught my eye recently: “Survey: Most Americans want financial advice from humans.”

Cryptic Medical Bills And Health Insurance
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Next time you receive an unintelligible medical bill, remember how hard it is for your doctor to get paid.

Failed Experiment at the SEC
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Those who don’t understand or experience regulatory capture wrongly believe in a team of angels at these federal agencies tirelessly working for the common good.

Mailbag: What Cost Basis Method Do I Want For Vanguard Mutual Funds?
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In our example, your gain/loss could vary from -$1,000 to +$3,500 depending on the method used.

U.S. Health Care Costs versus Health Outcomes
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Asians in New Jersey have the best life expectancy of any racial or ethnic group.

Radio: Third Party Payer Systems
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the economics of third party payer systems.

Mailbag: What Is The One Fund I Should Invest In?
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Here’s how to earn a slow million.

How Do I Find An Estate Planning Attorney In My Area?
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What is a better starting place than advertisements and phone directories?

Why Are Insurance Companies Reluctant To Cover Preventive Care?
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Now there is absolutely no charge for a costly set of test and procedures on the all-you-can-spend preventive care buffet.

How To List A Charity As Your Beneficiary
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There is a tax benefit to leaving some assets to your favorite charity rather than leaving it to your heirs.

Mailbox: How Can I Leave My Estate To A Charity?
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Leaving a legacy can be a great benefit for the charity receiving the gift.

Do We Need Price Controls to Stop Exorbitant Hospital Fees?
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After the birth of my (David’s) first child, my wife and I noticed we were being billed for a very expensive bedpan and box of tissues that we had never used.

Third-Party-Payer Markets
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Anytime a third-party-payer system exists market forces will not hold down costs as much as they would otherwise.

Radio: The Potential for Government Thought Control
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How much do the political parties agree that the government should be nudging people in as many ways as possible? What is the social cost of such nudging? Does it do more harm than good?

Why a Monkey Throwing Darts Could Boost Your Returns
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Not aiming for where the money is should boost returns.

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