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Our Articles

The Efficient Frontier Of Investing
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Many investors don’t appreciate asset allocation or understand intuitively how a diversified portfolio can exceed the sum of its parts.

Why Are Canadian Drugs Cheaper?
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Why shouldn’t we just institute price controls in America?

Misleading Statistics About Pharmaceutical Companies
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It is difficult to reason with people who lie and mislead in their statistics because they believe that they have the moral high ground.

Radio: Beware of Government Regulation Intended to Quell Competition
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Listen to David Marotta discuss the dangers of government regulation, especially when invited by an industry to suppress competition in the name of “safety.”

SEC Q&A: What Should I Do If the Financial Professional Claims that He or She Is “Certified”?
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We believe that NAPFA advisors are a well sought minority of financial advisors.

What Is The Most Important Attribute When Hiring An Investment Manager?
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Do you want to trust your advisor is acting in your best interests or do you want them to have the legal obligation and be free of commission-based conflicts of interest?

Chipotle’s Wisdom
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These quotes are provocative for what they say about us as Americans.

Newlywed To Do List
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While you know about the duplicate wedding gifts to exchange or return, and your mother is reminding you to finish writing Thank You notes, you might not remember all the other things you need to do.

Is AmazonSmile Good For Charities?
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There is no reason why charities should not be thankful.

SEC Q&A: How Do I Find Out Whether an Investment Adviser Ever Had Problems with a Government Regulator or Has a Disciplinary History?
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You can get copies of Form ADV by accessing the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) website.

Freedom Investing Since 2000
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Recently we did an analysis of the returns of the MSCI Country Specific Indexes

The Wealth Of Nations Is Their Freedom
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“When institutions protect the liberty of individuals, greater prosperity results for all.” – Adam Smith

Freedom Investing Beats EAFE Index by 3.92% Annualized Over Past Decade
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Over the past decade the economically free countries have an annualized return of 11.34%. The S&P 500’s annualized return was 7.78%.

SEC Q&A: How Do Investment Advisers Get Paid?
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How your advisor is compensated matters. Make sure you can follow the money and know how they are getting paid.

How Can I Tell Who Is Associated With A Broker-Dealer?
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If your advisor is on one of these lists you should be aware of how they are paid.

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