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Our Articles

Are We Lab Rats?
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If you are not paying for the product, you are the product.

Facebook’s And Your Negative Feelings
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In truth, the best way to mollify negative feelings might be to give up your Facebook account entirely.

Radio: Financial Planning in Your 40s and Early 50s
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Here is a list of seven things which are important to ensure during these years

Should I Tender My Allergan Shares To Valeant Pharmaceuticals?
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Perhaps they should make this into a mini-series.

SEC Q&A: What Questions Should I Ask When Choosing an Investment Adviser or Financial Planner?
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Here are our answers and comments to the SEC’s eight suggested questions.

How to Open a Roth for Your Child
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Someone has to be proactive about your child’s retirement and every year you don’t open a retirement account is another year you’re holding back compound interest.

Our Government Versus The People
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Government has never been known for customer service. But today it is known primarily for being against the very people it is supposed to serve.

Don’t Do Something. Just Stand There!
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You learn a lot by the discipline of reading old news.

Video: Virginia’s Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credits
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This video discusses Neighborhood Assistance Programs, and how donating to a local charity can both help people in your area and help you with your Virginia tax bill.

The Economics Of Healthcare
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Michael Kirsch, a practicing physician and newspaper columnist, laments that there are questions he can never answer satisfactorily for his patients. His questions are central to the public policy debate increasingly being decided by voters and politicians rather than physicians and economists.

Mailbag: How Do I Open A Vanguard Trust Account?
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I am the trustee for my mother’s living trust and I am trying to help her open an investment account at Vanguard. How do I go about opening a Trust account at Vanguard? Most regular brokerage accounts can be opened … Read More

Time to Give Annuities a Second Look?
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No. I thought we’d decided not to give them a first look.

FINRA Supports Regulation to Quell Competition
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Beware of government regulation, especially when a portion of the industry thinks it’ll be good for business.

Study on Investment Advisers and Broker-Dealers
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These are the wolves of Wall Street pretending to be the helpful sheep of investment advisors.

The Benefits of Saving and Investing Early
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Any money you put away and invest now will have the longest time to grow, due to the magic (or actually, the mathematics) of compound interest.

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