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Our Articles

Radio: David John Marotta Interviewed Discussing the Three GOP Factions
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed discussing the ideas in the article “Republicans: Defining the 3 Factions”.

Is Rebalancing a “Myth”?
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You ought to know what it is that you are rebalancing.

Should a Business Buy Its Own Building?
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We finally found a great building and decided to purchase it!

Make Sure Clients Road-Test Retirement
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“Ascertain whether they’re ready for changes in lifestyle and finances for the next stage of their lives”

Every Business Should Start a 401(k)
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The president’s hope to restrict the plans should actually make owners more interested in creating one.

At Least 65% Of Workers Fail To Save Our Recommended 15% For Retirement
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The study shows that 21 percent have saved nothing for retirement.

How To Tell If Your Financial Advisor Is Really “Fee-Only”
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Many will mislead you into thinking they are “fee-only” when they are not.

Three Lessons From Warren Buffett’s Big Bet
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For five of the last six years, the simple index fund has outperformed the so-called expert hedge funds, and Buffett’s competition is starting to feel the heat. Here are three important take aways from this big bet.

Republicans: Defining the Three Factions
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Which part of the conservative party appeals best to you: promoting the welfare of big business, legislating morality or advocating personal freedom and responsibility?

Is the Federal Reserve Really Tapering?
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The conflicting information of the Federal Reserve report has to do with the so-called tapering of asset purchases.

Is Social Security Stealing Your Chance Of Being A Millionaire?
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Social Security withdrawals have enslaved workers to depend on government largess when they could have been independently wealthy.

David Marotta Interviewed Discussing MyRA Plans
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David Marotta was recently featured on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the new MyRA plans, inflation, and saving for retirement in general.

Social Security
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Social Security benefits can represent a big stack of cash. A typical monthly benefit of $2,200 has a present value well over $500,000. Consider all your Social Security options carefully to avoid making a costly mistake.

Liberals Characterized Privatizing Social Security As A Risky Venture
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Even the Social Security withdrawals of average workers would produce millionaires if they were allowed to be saved and invested in private accounts.

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