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Our Articles

Five Things More Important Than Politics
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This holiday season, remember to cherish the important values of life.

The Truth About Annuities
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Most financial planning articles about annuities pull their punches.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) May Cost The Country $2.8 Trillion More Each Year.
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You can often tell exactly what a piece of legislation will NOT do by what they title it.

Should I Wait Until After The End Of The World To Start Investing?
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When the dust settles, can I really buy things for pennies on the dollar?

Mailbag: Are the Equity Markets Getting Kind of Toppy?
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It is always a good time to have a balanced portfolio.

The Autobiography of Fezziwig
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Finally revealed, the life of Fezziwig, an English businessman during the cusp of the Industrial Revolution.

Roth IRA Calculator and Rules
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A complete guide to using Roth IRAs to build lasting wealth.

Eight People Obama Charged with Espionage
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Prior to the Obama administration, only three espionage cases had ever been brought.

Radio: Holiday Travel and the TSA
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What you should know about the TSA during holiday travel.

“Corporate Records Service” Is A Scam
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Many government mailings look like spam. And much spam tries to look like a government mailing.

Annuities Are Still A Bad Idea
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“Up until recently” annuities were a bad idea. They still are.

Should I Be Storing Food, Water and Firearms?
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Preparing for TEOTWAWKI is helpful for lesser emergencies.

Marotta’s 2014 UVA TIAA-CREF TDSP Calculator
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Age appropriate asset allocation for 2014 using the choices available in the University of Virginia’s TIAA-CREF Tax Deferred Savings Plan (TDSP).

Marotta Family Recipes Published
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A celebration of both the joy of family and the comfort of Italian cuisine.

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