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Our Articles

How to Implement a New Investment Plan
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Next time you are wondering if you should invest now or “wait for a better time,” remember Schwab’s study and invest now in whatever way makes you invest now.

What is a ‘Related Person’? (SEC ADV Part 1, Item 9, Question F)
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Item 9 Custody offers perhaps some of the most confusing and most often changed compliance questions.

#TBT Account Protection at Schwab
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Charles Schwab offers both SIPC® account protection and a FDIC insurance amount for accounts custodied with them.

Why the Verizon Visa Credit Card is My Primary Card
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I have adopted this card as the primary one in my wallet for groceries and gas.

More People Eligible for ABLE Accounts in 2026 (Secure 2.0)
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This amendment raises the ABLE account age to 46 starting in 2026.

#TBT That Rebate Check Could Ruin Your Retirement
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This 2008 article reminds us that anyone who spends more than 4% of their rebate will actually lose ground saving toward their retirement.

Using Franklin Funds in 2022 Saved Clients Over $360,000
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Reducing expense ratios by a theoretical 0.42% is a significant result. It is good to know that what works in theory has also worked even better in practice.

New Catch-Up Limits for Ages 60-63 in 2025 (Secure 2.0)
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Seniors born between 1962 and 1965 will be the first to be able to take advantage of these plus-sized limits.

#TBT A Wealth of Satisfaction
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This 2011 article reminds us that there will never be another you in the history of the universe. Sometimes that is just the reminder we need.

Retirement Plans Allow Roth Employer Contributions Now (Secure 2.0)
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For those who run a retirement plan, the next step for implementing this change is to email your plan provider.

High Wages Limit Catch-Up Options to Only Roth in 2024 (Secure 2.0)
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Hopefully over all this amendment encourages employer plans to offer Roth options, which will be good for taxpayers, even if this additional wealthy discrimination is unwelcome.

#TBT The Benefits of Saving and Investing Early
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This 2014 article reminds us: don’t wait until you “have more” or “make extra money” – start saving now! It is worth more.

Contribution Basis is Prorated for Roth 401(k) Withdrawals But Not Roth IRA
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In a designated Roth account like a Roth 401(k), each early distribution is treated as coming part from contribution basis and part from earnings.

No More Roth 401(k) RMDs in 2024 (Secure 2.0)
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This update amends the Roth-side of employer retirement plans to behave more like Roth IRAs prior to death.

#TBT Speed Is Not Critical When Investing
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Using the analogy of a peach orchard farmer compared to a doomsday weather watcher, David Marotta reminds us in this 2004 article that “For the speculator, speed is everything. Not so, for the investor.”

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