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Republican Genius: Budgeting One Item At A Time
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The partisan deadlock offers us a novel opportunity to reach consensus.

Radio: Is a Government Shutdown Better Than No Government Restraint?
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Why is the business of government seen as passing spending bills? Why isn’t the job of our representatives to work toward government restraint?

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value: Total Wealth Asset Allocation
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Just how much value does a smart advisor bring with asset allocation and rebalancing wisdom?

Laura Donohue’s Comments at Cato Institution’s NSA Law Panel
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“The telephony, the bulk collection of America’s telephony metadata is contrary to the entire intent of Congress in enacting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It violates the statutory provisions of FISA. And it is unconstitutional.”

Money Management Lessons From a Relay Race
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Money meditations from the finish line.

Hitting The Debt Ceiling Is Still Not The End Of The World
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Spending, Debt and Deficit as a percentage of GDP continue to grow unchecked. What political process will ever stop them from bankrupting our country?

Wealth Inequality In America
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The video “Wealth Inequality in America” is not only misleading, but the research methods of its underlying study are laughable.

Marotta’s 2014 UVA Fidelity 403(b) Calculator
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Age appropriate asset allocation for 2014 using the choices available in the University of Virginia’s Fidelity 403(b) Tax Deferred Savings Plan (TDSP).

Marotta’s 2014 UVA Fidelity 401(a) Plans Calculator
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Age appropriate asset allocation for 2014 using the choices available in several of the University of Virginia’s Fidelity Retirement Plans.

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change, Part 3
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When a woman gets married she often changes her name. Once you’ve changed your name at the Social Security Administration, the DMV, your employer and employer benefits, and your passport, it’s time for the last few changes.

Rules For Selling Highly Appreciated Stock
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Now that the Bush tax cuts have expired and Obamacare will add additional tax burdens, many people need to think twice before realizing a large gain on their investments.

2013 Capital Gains Tax Table
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Here’s the tax table for the 2013 capital gains tax.

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value
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Planners can add the equivalent of a 1.82% annual arithmetic return to clients through five components.

Stupid Decisions Made During Government Shutdown
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The government continued to pay for their website hosting and the domain name licensing but hid all of the data from Internet users.

Ban On Domestic Propaganda Overturned
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Let’s spend $1.25 *billion* to enlist acceptance of Obamacare by young people.

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