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Our Articles

Anatomy of a Scam
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There is no such thing as a sure thing, and if something sounds too good to be true, it is

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Doesn’t “Just Happen”
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Corporations go bankrupt for a wide variety of reasons, but there’s only one reason for municipalities.

How Do I Open an Investment Account? Part 2 -Things You Can Do Tomorrow
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Here’s a walk through of the account opening process at Vanguard.

Gold And Silver Stocks Down In 2Q 2013 Along With The Metals Themselves
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Precious Metal Mining companies are leveraged against the movements of the underlying price of the metals themselves.

Real Estate Down Slightly During The Second Quarter
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Foreign real estate was down more for the quarter because the U.S. Dollar strengthened against foreign currencies.

Energy Funds Slip Slightly in 2Q 2013
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Energy is one important components of the category of Resource Stocks.

The Cost Matters Hypothesis Wins Again
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Chasing historical returns or a so called star manager is a poor investment strategy.

Some European Markets Did Better Than Global Averages During Q2 2013
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In a reversal from past trends, some European markets did better than global averages.

Emerging Markets Down During Second Quarter 2013
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Those investments which go up the most when markets are rising often go down the most when markets are falling.

Global Markets Drop During Q2 2013
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It is prudent not to have your assets all subject to a single country’s economic failure or success.

Foreign Bonds Drop As Dollar Strengthens And Interest Rates Rise
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Just because the dollar strengthens for a quarter does not mean you should abandon this strategy.

US Bonds Drop Value in 2013 Q2 As Interest Rates Rise
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Many investors don’t understand why a bond, which pays a fixed rate of interest and then at the end of the term pays a fixed amount of principle would have its price fluctuate.

What Charles Dickens Can Teach Us About Personal Finance
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My article, What Charles Dickens Can Teach Us About Personal Finance was recently featured on Yahoo Finance. Another title I considered for this article was The Micawber Principle: The Cornerstone of Financial Security.

The Complete Guide to Your Washing Machine
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The complete guide to saving money while washing your clothes. What temperature should the water be? What cycle should I use? What detergent should I use?

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