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Marotta’s 2013 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility.
Marotta’s 2013 Gone-Fishing Portfolio
A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility. Its primary appeal is simplicity. As a secondary virtue, it avoids the worst mistakes of the financial services industry.
How Quickly Should 401(k) Deposits Be Remitted?
As the payroll processor at our company, how quickly do I need to deposit 401(k) contributions into employee accounts? -Sincerely, Payroll Pam
Is Your 401(k) Plan Secure?
Money deducted from your paycheck for retirement typically gets deposited quickly into your 401(k) plan. But this isn’t always the case.
Should Planners Bypass The Bypass Trust?
The new unified credit changes for estate planning in 2013 have once again changed when you should have provisions for a bypass trust.
Do We Have a Right to Health Care?
The Affordable Care Act encourages everyone to get health care insurance by punishing those who don’t. Proponents of Obamacare justify this saying that health care is a human right. But is it?
July 2013 Asset Class Returns
Here is how representative ETFs from each of the six asset classes did in July 2013.
Financial Smorgasbord: Carnival #14
This week we have a smorgasbord of ideas for everything from tips for building an emergency fund from scratch to financial tweets to writing engaging website pages.
The Only Right Answer To “Debit or Credit?”
“Debit or Credit?” is a trick question. There is only one right answer and it’s not the one that benefits the store whose asking.
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Tesla
Since it is inevitable that each group of friends will represent a spectrum of financial capacity, healthy relationships require that all be prepared to manage these pressures.
Anatomy of a Scam
There is no such thing as a sure thing, and if something sounds too good to be true, it is
Detroit’s Bankruptcy Doesn’t “Just Happen”
Corporations go bankrupt for a wide variety of reasons, but there’s only one reason for municipalities.
How Do I Open an Investment Account? Part 2 -Things You Can Do Tomorrow
Here’s a walk through of the account opening process at Vanguard.
Gold And Silver Stocks Down In 2Q 2013 Along With The Metals Themselves
Precious Metal Mining companies are leveraged against the movements of the underlying price of the metals themselves.
Real Estate Down Slightly During The Second Quarter
Foreign real estate was down more for the quarter because the U.S. Dollar strengthened against foreign currencies.