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Our Articles

Bucket List: Living Within Your Means
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So now, after encouraging you to save 10% for emergencies, 15% for financial independence (often called “retirement”), and 10% for long-term savings, we’ve whittled down your income to about 65%. This 65% is for day-to-day living.

Postpone Retirement for Your Health
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Your lifespan is decreased by 1.8 months for each year you retire early.

Jefferson Davis Posthumously Responds to Our Readers’ Reactions
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We were surprised by some of the reactions to our recent article on protective tariffs as one of the primary causes of the Civil War.

Roth’s Less-Known Strengths
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Mr. Roth can also help with transferring gifts to your heirs, setting up your first emergency reserve account, and paying for a new house or college expenses. But don’t ask him to iron your clothes. That’s where he draws a line.

The Worst Advice Given to Me
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Milestones in life encourage advice. In 2012, I graduated, got married, and started a job and then this year, I bought a house. I received a lot of great advice, but here is some of the worse advice I was given.

The Economics of Outsourcing
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For every job outsourced to Bangalore…

Protective Tariffs: The Primary Cause of the Civil War
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Many Americans do not fully understand the causes of the Civil War.

Radio: Our Unenumerated Constitutional Rights
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed by Rob Schilling on Radio 1070 WINA, discussing the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution: Our unenumerated rights.

“Knowledge and Power” by George Gilder
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Economic growth is so easy….

Overspending Retirement Income
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Several issues can cause retired clients to deviate from their safe spending rates.

The Powerful Roth IRA
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Tax-free saving for retirement is only one of the many talents offered by Mr. Roth. If you have yet to become fully acquainted, consider this your formal introduction and start getting to know Mr. Roth today.

The Complete Guide to Your Clothes Dryer
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The complete guide to saving money while drying your clothes. Should I air dry? Can I line dry inside? Is there ever a case when my dryer is cheaper?

Millionaires’ Biggest Financial Regret
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In a survey of millionaires’ top money regrets, the one that overwhelmingly prevails should not surprised us.

What Our Founding Fathers Got Wrong
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It’s hard to believe they would both protest a tariff-created monopoly at the Boston Tea Party and then create one at the first congress.

If You Have Nothing to Hide, Then You Have Nothing to Fear
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The faceless government agencies aren’t really faceless at all; they are populated by the very same types of potential criminals and nogoodniks that we would avoid sharing our personal information with on the street.

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