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Marketplace Fairness Act Adds Automation to Tax Confusion
It is not a new tax. It is simply a tax that nearly everyone currently reading this column is successfully evading without prosecution.
Bucket List: A Bucket for the Unknown
I opened my freezer and found, to my horror, my ice cream had turned to mush. Why? My refrigerator and freezer were broken. The expense for a new refrigerator was around $700. How could I have seen that expense coming?
Helping New Graduates Get a Financial Life
Matthew Illian says young adults should read one personal finance book a year to expand their financial literacy. See what books we would recommend.
Five Red Flags You Picked The Wrong Financial Advisor
Five red flags any one of which should make you stop and reconsider.
Shareholder Elections: Why Vote?
Does it really matter if you cast your votes in shareholder elections? Probably not if you are a small investor. But if so few are participating, can we blame corporations for forgetting whom they serve?
Five Easy Ways To Save
This kitten is frugal. Be more like this kitten.
Financial Advice for Recent College Graduates
Financial advice for college graduates is easy. Graduates street smart enough to take the advice is rare.
Do Tariffs Protect an Infant Industry?
Do infant industries need tariffs to protect them from their own inefficiency and stupidity?
Preparing to Retire – Wealth Management Carnival #12
Today’s carnival is all about retirement: saving for it, where to open accounts, how much to withdraw once you do retire, and more. Read on for more details!
Essential Financial Advice for College Graduates
As the wife of a 2013 college graduate and a 2012 college graduate myself, I can boldly say this was the most helpful advice given to me.
How to Find a Financial Advisor, Step by Step (PBS Newshour)
You’re looking for an enduring relationship based on mutual respect and trust, so plan on investing at least as much effort as you’d put into choosing an automobile, especially a used one.
Shareholder Meeting: Why Go?
My first experience with these shareholder meetings was a major turnoff. In March 2009, I purchased a limited number of shares of Genworth (GNW) stock for reasons I do not proudly share among value investors.
The Dangers of Automated Payments
This kitten knows how much she spends. Be more like this kitten.
Gold, Silver and Resource Stocks
The optimum asset allocation to physical gold and silver is 0%. Instead, we recommend you use resource stocks as an inflation hedge.
Is There A Moral Case for “Buy American”?
Perhaps we would be economically better off with global trade, but do we have an obligation to maintain a higher moral standard?