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Our Articles

Three Reasons Husbands Should Delay Taking Social Security Until Age 69 or 70
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Most married men claim Social Security at age 62 or 63, which leaves their future income well shy of what research indicates is optimal. Gentlemen, it’s time to wise up.

When The Dog Bites, When The Bee Stings: A Budget For Your Least Favorite Things
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This kitten budgets for unknowns. Be more like this kitten.

A Blended Investments Style Can Lead to High Returns With Low Risk
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A blended investment style for all markets can lead to high returns with low risk.

The Benefits of Free Trade Defined: The Consumer Always Wins
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All I want is a simple cup of coffee near where I work. Is that asking too much of free trade?

Radio: The Importance of Property Rights
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David John Marotta was interviewed recently on radio 1070’s WINA Schilling Show discussing property rights and their importance for a free society.

Subscribe and receive the free presentation: How To Read Your 1040
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Subscribe and receive the free presentation: How To Read Your 1040

Subscribe and receive the free presentation: If Not Gold, Then What?
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We Buy Local Produce Because It Is Better, Not Because It Is Local
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If you could only pick one, would you like to buy a ripe tomato or a local one?

Do Tax Cuts Actually “Starve the Beast”?
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Daniel J. Mitchell of the CATO Institute wrestles with the lack of no historical data to support the Starve the Beast model, only to find out that it’s because politicians have never really given it a shot.

Naming A Foreign 401(k) Beneficiary? ($ ?s)
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You should have no problem naming your nephew as your beneficiary, but accessing the money from India after your death is more complicated.

How to Be Rich
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This kitten is rich by not spending rich. Be more like this kitten.

ETF Trading: It’s ‘No Way to Invest’ Says Bogle
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If Bogle is against ETFs, why does Vanguard run so many of them?

Should We Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget?
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The only two ways to balance the federal budget are to spend less or to collect more. Spending less is the preferred method, but that is just not happening. As a result, politics is pushing many in Congress to try to balance the budget by raising taxes.

Video: How to Check Up On Your Charity
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Maybe it is time you checked up on your favorite charities before making your next gift.

Are Financial Advisors Hazardous to Your Wealth?
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Those who use the term “financial advisor” on their business cards can be split into two groups: fiduciary advisors and nonfiduciary advisors.

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