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Our Articles

Financially Savvy Kittens on Freedom Investing 2013
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This kitten invests in countries with economic freedom. Be more like this kitten.

Fifteen Tax Moves For Right Now. Really?
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Do any of these ideas suggest any incentive for the highly productive to continue producing?

Should We Starve the Beast?
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Even to conservative political parties, starving the beast is not the ideal solution.

Life Planning – Wealth Management Carnival #9
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This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival deals with investments, how-to tips, advice for college students, and a checkup on 2013 New Year’s Resolutions.

How Much Life Insurance Does a Parent Need? ($ ?s)
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Some suggest using ten times your take home salary as a rough rule of thumb when determining life insurance. Like all such rules, this rough guide is found lacking in many situations.

Financially Savvy Kittens on Size of Government
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This kitten doesn’t rely on government. Be more like this kitten.

Dwight D. Eisenhower on Tax Cuts and a Balanced Budget
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“Until the deficit is eliminated from our budget, … there is no end to inflation; there is finally no end to taxation; and the eventual result would, of course, be catastrophe.”

What Is Rent-Seeking Behavior?
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Studies suggest that $1.5 trillion is wasted on public sector rent-seeking.

Encourage Property Rights, Not Democracy
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Even if democracy is the principal objective, encourage the rule of law.

Two Disclosed and One Hidden Cost of ETFs
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Expense ratios and commission prices are easily determined on brokerage or fund websites. But the third expense, the bid/ask spread, is not readily disclosed and will require some additional digging to determine.

Financially Savvy Kittens on Earning Money
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This kitten knows money doesn’t grow on trees. Be more like this kitten.

Subscribe and receive free presentation: Dynamic Portfolio Construction in the Context of Comprehensive Wealth Management
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Presenting to the American Association of Independent Investors, February 2013.

The Effective Rule of Law Propels Prosperity
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Property rights are among the characteristics most correlated with high levels of per capita gross domestic product (GDP).

Are Property Rights Human Rights?
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Does a property owner have the right to use and dispose of his property as he sees fit even if that means he is being irrational, arbitrary, capricious, even unjust?

Radio: Financial Forecast for 2013
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David John Marotta was featured on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show, discussing the coming year and what it looks like from a financial standpoint.

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