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Naming A Foreign 401(k) Beneficiary? ($ ?s)
You should have no problem naming your nephew as your beneficiary, but accessing the money from India after your death is more complicated.
How to Be Rich
This kitten is rich by not spending rich. Be more like this kitten.
ETF Trading: It’s ‘No Way to Invest’ Says Bogle
If Bogle is against ETFs, why does Vanguard run so many of them?
Should We Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget?
The only two ways to balance the federal budget are to spend less or to collect more. Spending less is the preferred method, but that is just not happening. As a result, politics is pushing many in Congress to try to balance the budget by raising taxes.
Video: How to Check Up On Your Charity
Maybe it is time you checked up on your favorite charities before making your next gift.
Are Financial Advisors Hazardous to Your Wealth?
Those who use the term “financial advisor” on their business cards can be split into two groups: fiduciary advisors and nonfiduciary advisors.
Financially Savvy Kittens on Freedom Investing 2013
This kitten invests in countries with economic freedom. Be more like this kitten.
Fifteen Tax Moves For Right Now. Really?
Do any of these ideas suggest any incentive for the highly productive to continue producing?
Should We Starve the Beast?
Even to conservative political parties, starving the beast is not the ideal solution.
Life Planning – Wealth Management Carnival #9
This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival deals with investments, how-to tips, advice for college students, and a checkup on 2013 New Year’s Resolutions.
How Much Life Insurance Does a Parent Need? ($ ?s)
Some suggest using ten times your take home salary as a rough rule of thumb when determining life insurance. Like all such rules, this rough guide is found lacking in many situations.
Financially Savvy Kittens on Size of Government
This kitten doesn’t rely on government. Be more like this kitten.
Dwight D. Eisenhower on Tax Cuts and a Balanced Budget
“Until the deficit is eliminated from our budget, … there is no end to inflation; there is finally no end to taxation; and the eventual result would, of course, be catastrophe.”
What Is Rent-Seeking Behavior?
Studies suggest that $1.5 trillion is wasted on public sector rent-seeking.
Encourage Property Rights, Not Democracy
Even if democracy is the principal objective, encourage the rule of law.