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Our Articles

Financially Savvy Kittens on Market Timing
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This kitten doesn’t time the markets. Be more like this kitten.

Deck the Halls with Macro Follies
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Will millions of middle income consumers spending $2,200 each have a greater stimulus than thousands of small business entrepreneurs saving and investing $100,000 each in new ventures? You decide after watching this holiday video from EconStories.

The Ninth Amendment: The Value of Our Unenumerated Rights
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Few of us ever think about how the Ninth Amendment preserves all of our rights not cited in the Constitution. What are some examples of these unenumerated rights?

Saving, Budgeting, and Preparing for Christmas – Wealth Management Carnival #7
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This week’s carnival is a smorgasbord of good ideas about saving, tips for holiday shopping, and general good advice for the future. Even Santa could use good advice about his retirement plan.

The 10 Worst Communication Mistakes For Your Career
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And “The Top 6 Communication Skills That Will Get You Promoted”

What Is the Deadline for a 529 College Plan Distribution? ($ ?s)
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Learn about 529 college savings plan distribution rules before you need to start taking money out of your accounts. This post answers the timing question for those who are using the 529 to reimburse expenses already paid.

Financially Savvy Kittens on Value Wealth Management
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This kitten aligns her finances with her values. Be more like this kitten.

The Most Productive Will Owe An Average of $119,878 More In Taxes
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Obama would have you believe that $2,200 is a fiscal cliff, but $119,878 is just paying their fair share.

The Fiscal Cliff Is Almost Everything the Democrats Want
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It is a crisis fabricated 100% by politicians. And avoiding the fiscal cliff is being used hypocritically for additional political gain.

Mailbox: How to Get Silver Coins
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“Most people don’t know this, but right now there’s a loophole in the American banking system that enables you to exchange ordinary paper dollars for real silver coins.”

Roth IRAs: If the Front Door Is Closed, Try the Back Door ($ ?s)
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There is a backdoor way to contribute to a Roth IRA for those who are not income eligible. This method requires the following steps:

Financially Savvy Kittens on Gifts to Charity
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This kitten gifts appreciated stock. Be more like this kitten.

Threats to a Fulfilling Retirement
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“Inflation and loss of capital pose dangers to retirees seeking a sustainable income stream.”

Tax on Dividend-Paying Stocks Rising to 74%
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With the enormous increase in the taxation of dividends, high net worth investors may be tempted to abandon dividend-paying stocks entirely. This is not necessary.

Success and Significance in Retirement
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Most Americans fail to plan adequately for retirement. As a result, they often miss out on opportunities to enjoy the second half of life.

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