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Our Articles

Contributing to Multiple Retirement Plans ($ ?s)
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This article reviews the coordination rules which govern the maximum contributions to 457, 401(k) and Thrift Savings Plan. Information on 403(b) plan maximums is also included.

Giving Gifts to the Wrong Beneficiaries–Mistake #5
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Knowing which assets to give away to your beneficiaries can save your estate and your beneficiaries big tax bills, even if you have a small net worth. If you plan on making a gift to charity from your estate, you can be even more tax savvy with your giving.

No, I’m Not Voting for Obama
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Here are thirty reasons Obama doesn’t deserve a second term.

The Election Should Be Settled by a Single Question: Who Caused the Financial Crisis?
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The presidential election should be settled by a single question: “Who caused the financial crisis of 2008?” President Obama’s entire campaign has centered on his claim that he inherited a mess caused by the failed policies of the past.

Video: From Poverty to Prosperity: A Pursuit of Personal Achievement
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Though imperfect at best, the record of immigrants striving to reach our shores proves that are forefather’s defense of free enterprise created a fertile soil for human flourishing.

Chances Are Your Advisor Favors Romney
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It might be a good idea to listen to those who watch the cause and effect in the economy on a regular basis.

Social Security: Henry VIII’s Family Benefits
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Me: King Henry, let’s start off with this question: Are you now or have you ever been married?

Henry VIII: Yes (with a smirk).

Failing to Implement the Estate Plan–Mistake #6
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One of the most common estate planning mistakes is a plan that is implemented incorrectly. Your estate plan is only worth the paper it is printed on unless you follow through on titling your assets correctly and updating your beneficiary designations.

Can ‘True Love’ Survive Student Loans and Lack of Employment?
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Such a well-intentioned program which steals our youth, our love, our happiness, our faith and our self-esteem.

Youth Vote May Support More Economic Freedom
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In 2008 Obama captured 66% of the youth vote. But unlike the liberal ideological baby boom generation, millennials are more pragmatic. Support for Obama among the 18- to 29-year-old age group has dropped to 48%.

College Grads Need Jobs Not Sesame Street Subsidies
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Are half of college graduates unable to get a college level job?

Retirement – Wealth Management Carnival #5
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This week’s carnival deals with retirement plans and plans to retire. We hear some talk about retirement accounts, a blueprint for retiring early, and that baby boomers are going back to work.

Sesamenomics: Bert and Ernie Weigh In on Politics
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A light hearted look at Bert and Ernie’s politics.

New 401(k) and IRA Limits for 2013
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It’s time to consider adjusting your retirement savings. The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a variety of inflation adjustments for 2013, and retirement savers can now save even more.

Creating Multiple Probate Estates–Mistake #4
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If you own real estate in different states, you may be leaving a mess of nightmarish proportions for your executor (the person who oversees and distributes your assets when you die). Here’s how to reduce the headache.

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