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Our Articles

Inverview with George Marotta: NAPFA and Being a Fee-Only Fiduciary
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Inverview with George Marotta on NAPFA and being a fee-only fiduciary

$ ?s: How Do I Determine Which Debts I Should Pay Off First?
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Two proven methods to pay off your debts – with gusto. Say goodbye to the stress, ANXIETY and late fees.

Suddenly Wealthy
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Studies show that onetime windfalls can actually impoverish you. They make you feel rich, which inevitably leads to overspending. But wealth is what you save, not what you spend.

Public Funding for the Arts
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Many communities such as Charlottesville identify themselves as an arts community. This image translates into passionate support for public funding of the arts. But the common justifications for public funding don’t hold up under careful scrutiny.

Ten Life Planning Lessons – Wealth Management Carnival #2
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In our second edition of the Wealth Management Carnival, we’re linking to articles about general life planning, from good habits to cultivate, to life insurance considerations, to financial calculators.

One Income: The Fiscal Challenges for Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads
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Financial planning means supporting the goals of stay-at-home parents to be with their children.

Three Flaws of Charitable Gift Annuities
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Charitable gift annuities get an “A” for marketing and an “F” for performance.

IRS Notice of Proposed Adjustment for Underpayment/Overpayment (CP2000) for 2010 Roth Recharacterization
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Currently the IRS is sending notices to anyone who did a Roth Recharacterization in 2010 asking them to pay as though they kept the entire conversion amount.

A Progressive Tax Code is Economically Destructive
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Most Americans assume a progressive tax code is needed to promote equality and remove some of the burden of other taxes on those with the lowest income. But the progressive nature of the tax code changes behavior in many ways.

Five Wishes For End Of Life Care
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Five Wishes is a national advance directive created by the non-profit organization Aging with Dignity. It has been described as the “living will with a heart and soul.”

$ ?s: Maintaining Health Insurance After Losing Your Job
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Review your health insurance options after losing your job – COBRA and High Deductible Health Plans.

It’s Flat-Out Illegal in Other Countries
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There is great disagreement in the financial services world if an advisor who has continuous and comprehensive management of a client’s assets should be allowed to also benefit from transactions that they recommend.

How Much Should I Save for Retirement?
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You should save 15% of your take-home pay for retirement over your working career. As your situation varies, you must adjust your safe savings rate.

Seven Interesting Investment Ideas — Wealth Management Carnival #1
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In the Wealth Management Carnival, we share 7 Interesting Articles from other sources. From advice to diversify investments to index fund criteria to choosing a bank, this month we found seven articles that discussed various investing ideas.

How Keeping Your Money “Safe” Might Lose Half of It in 16 Years
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“Anyone who’s bought gas, paid a medical bill or sent a child off to college recently knows that the Consumer Price Index doesn’t tell the whole story of inflation.”

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