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Our Articles

How to Avoid an IRMAA Medicare Premium Surcharge 2023
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To avoid getting issued an IRMAA, you can proactively tell the SSA of any changes your income has seen in the past two years using a “Medicare Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount – Life-Changing Event” form.

The Haunting of Bob Cratchit: A Book from David Marotta
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Did you know David wrote a Christmas novel? This 2020 book by David John Marotta and Brendon Marotta makes you rethink what is happening in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Social Security Fact Report: Insolvent in 2035
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Every day, we voters and the government have the chance to free our children from this burden.

Easily Calculate the Fair Market Value (FMV) of a Security in Excel
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With the help of Yahoo Finance and a one-cell formula, you barely need to do any work.

Be the One Who Can Write That Check
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It is perfectly fine for you to underspend your assets. You don’t need my permission, but you have my blessing anyway.

Q&A: Wash Sale: VFIAX and VOO?
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The IRS has very limited case law on what constitutes a substantially different fund. However, here is what we do in our own trading.

#TBT How Not to Go Broke at Thanksgiving
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As the season of holiday shopping approaches, this 2018 article reminds us, “Before you throw your money at various companies, squirrel some savings away for your future self.”

How the Wealthy Can Take Advantage of Health Insurance Subsidies for 2023 Onward
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You may be surprised by the amount of subsidies you can receive.

A Very Conservative Gone-Fishing Portfolio of Vanguard Mutual Funds
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I share this story here in case others in a similar situation may benefit from seeing this example.

Your Social Security Benefit Lags Inflation
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There are at least two reasons why your Social Security benefits are failing to keep up with inflation.

How to Open a Fidelity HSA and Transfer HSA Bank Assets
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Going forward, the Fidelity HSA® is my primary recommendation for an HSA custodian.

2023 Contribution Limits
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Twelve-month inflation for all items ending in September 2022 has been 8.2%, so it is not surprising that the 2022 contribution limits have seen more increases than normal.

Lessons for 2022 from My 1983 First Mortgage at 11.5%
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We haven’t seen high interest rates in many years, but high interest rates do not remove the potential benefits of having a mortgage.

The IRS Waives 2021 & 2022 Penalties Because Its Unclear How the New Inherited IRA 10-Year Rule Works
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In 2019, the SECURE Act changed how inherited RMD rules work. After many IRS notices, we now aren’t sure how the new rules work.

Bear Market Continues Through Third Quarter 2022
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While it is counterintuitive, the lower the market falls, the safer it is to be invested.

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