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Radio: Organizing Your Finances to Best Love Your Spouse
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Do you think of being financially organized as a way to love your spouse? David and Krisan Marotta explain why you should.

Countering Resistance
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Client resistance is an inevitable part of the financial planning process. It’s a sign the advisor is doing his or her job.

$ ?s: Secondary Annuities Are Second Class
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Once you buy this product, you’re stuck. All structured settlement transfers must take place through a court order…

Video: Marotta on Money
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Marotta On Money is a weekly financial column and daily financial blog about the comprehensive wealth management small changes that have a large effect over time.

Subscribe to receive more Marotta more often.

The Absolutely Last Chance for a Massive Roth Conversion
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A tax tsunami is coming at the end of this year. This will be your last opportunity to safeguard your assets in a lifeboat and avoid getting swamped with taxes.

Ten-Year Freedom Investing Returns
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Freedom scores ranged from #1 in freedom Hong Kong at 89.9 to #92 ranked mostly unfree Italy at 58.8.

Five-Year Freedom Investing Returns
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Over the past five years, countries with the most economic freedom averaged annual returns just below emerging markets.

Sovereign Debt and Deficit by Country
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Sovereign debt and deficit weigh most heavily on a country’s level of government spending, one of the ten components of freedom in the Heritage Foundation economic freedom study

Three-Year Freedom Investing Returns
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We believe this is one of the times when your asset allocation should tilt foreign and overweight the handful of countries with high economic freedom.

New Zealand: Economic Paradise
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New Zealand, the fourth highest country in economic freedom, joined the United States with positive returns for 2011.

One-Year Freedom Investing Returns
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The equation of the trend line shows that every point on the freedom index was worth 0.36% annual return over the past year.

Freedom Investing 2012
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Now at year end, I will review how freedom investing fared in 2011 and in the decade since 2002.

In My Dream I Explained Why 2011 Was Not a Financial Mulligan
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I had a dream in which I saw a map similar to the one above and I heard myself explaining why 2011 was not a financial mulligan

Schwab: Using a Donor Advised Fund for Your Charitable Giving
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A Donor Advised Fund is a way to give small amounts to many charities. But take a look at the pros and cons of this strategy before diving in.

Are All ETFs Created Equal?
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Much of the recent conversation about ETFs has to do with the hidden risks of “synthetic ETFs,” risks which are not present in their mundane relatives known as “physical ETFs.”

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