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Roth IRA Conversion 2012: A Roth Conversion Calculator
Nearly everyone is an excellent candidate for executing a Roth conversion this year. But it is helpful to have a target amount in mind before you begin.
Women Are More Afraid of Becoming “Bag Ladies” Than Men
Women are more afraid of becoming “bag ladies” than men, and it makes them approach investing and saving for retirement differently, assuming they have managed to tackle either of those chores.
Roth 401(k) vs. Roth IRA (A Guide for the Perplexed)
A Roth provides more flexibility than its Roth 401(k) counterpart because you can access the principal at any time without penalty.
Stop Saving
It is better that you stop saving and use that money to do some of the things you’ve been longing to do, than it is to quit your job and retire early because you think that is the only way you can achieve your goals.
Roth IRA Conversion 2012: Are You a Good Candidate?
You may be a good candidate for a Roth conversion in 2012 if you can answer “yes” to any of these statements.
Radio: Organizing Your Finances to Best Love Your Spouse
Do you think of being financially organized as a way to love your spouse? David and Krisan Marotta explain why you should.
Countering Resistance
Client resistance is an inevitable part of the financial planning process. It’s a sign the advisor is doing his or her job.
$ ?s: Secondary Annuities Are Second Class
Once you buy this product, you’re stuck. All structured settlement transfers must take place through a court order…
Video: Marotta on Money
Marotta On Money is a weekly financial column and daily financial blog about the comprehensive wealth management small changes that have a large effect over time.
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The Absolutely Last Chance for a Massive Roth Conversion
A tax tsunami is coming at the end of this year. This will be your last opportunity to safeguard your assets in a lifeboat and avoid getting swamped with taxes.
Ten-Year Freedom Investing Returns
Freedom scores ranged from #1 in freedom Hong Kong at 89.9 to #92 ranked mostly unfree Italy at 58.8.
Five-Year Freedom Investing Returns
Over the past five years, countries with the most economic freedom averaged annual returns just below emerging markets.
Sovereign Debt and Deficit by Country
Sovereign debt and deficit weigh most heavily on a country’s level of government spending, one of the ten components of freedom in the Heritage Foundation economic freedom study
Three-Year Freedom Investing Returns
We believe this is one of the times when your asset allocation should tilt foreign and overweight the handful of countries with high economic freedom.
New Zealand: Economic Paradise
New Zealand, the fourth highest country in economic freedom, joined the United States with positive returns for 2011.