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Our Articles

$ ?s: The Quagmire of Socially Responsible Investing
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Q: I would like to see a portion of my investments make a difference in the world. Can you suggest an approach to socially responsible investing?

Martha Schilling: Money can work for you
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I realized that compounding was an awesome concept. Today those initially piddling amounts have grown to provide an enviable cash flow that allows me to live well and give to worthy causes.

Austin Johnston: A Sense of Independence
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One of my favorite things I’ve been able to do with money was something I did after finishing school, moving, and getting my first full-time job. I was out on my own, and I wanted to do something extra once I was independent.

Dangerous New Rules if You Use Average Cost Accounting for Mutual Funds
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New rules go into effect January 1, 2012 which change the way you need to compute the cost basis for mutual funds if you use average cost accounting. We recommend you change the method you use to something which allows better tax management.

Seven Financial Resolutions for the New Year 2011-2012
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Financial resolutions usually don’t even last until the end of January. Making a permanent change in our behavior requires both time and a steely resolve. We can only develop financial character one action at a time. Here are seven practices to take you from pauper to prince or princess if you add one each year.

Krisan Marotta: Creating Family Memories
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When our children were young, we decided to budget for memory making. Birthdays, holiday celebrations and family vacations became our primary memory making tools. We invested in birthdays.

Kathleen M. Rehl: Helping Widows Move Forward on Their Own
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I recently established the “Moving Forward On Your Own,” charitable gift fund, which benefits widows and their families.

Green Gift$ for the Holiday Season ($ ?s)
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Q: I received a letter from a nonprofit organization to which I regularly donate suggesting I may be eligible for state tax credits. Can you please explain what this means?

Radio: The High Cost of Regulation
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David John Marotta was featured on WINA 1070’s Rob Schilling Show on December 14, 2011. The topic was the high cost of regulation, leaning libertarian, and the roots of David’s leaning libertarian.

What was Wrong with Tiny Tim?
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Other than Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens’s story “A Christmas Carol,” Tiny Tim is certainly the most memorable character. Dickens used the boy in the story to soften the hearts of both Scrooge and his readers toward the worthy poor.

David John Marotta in NAPFA Planning Perspectives Nov/Dec 2011
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An article by David John Marotta on how to glean information from your IRS 1040 tax return was featured in the latest Nov/Dec 2011 issue of NAPFA Planning Perspectives.

Rich Dad, Rich Son, Rich Granddaughter
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George Marotta, also known as “Papa” to me, is quite a fount of wisdom and knowledge. In this post, I give you Papa Marotta and a little bit of wisdom I managed to get him to share on grandchildren.

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