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Our Articles

Libertarians Suspect the FDA Does as Much Harm as Good
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It isn’t crazy to suspect that the FDA does as much harm as good. And if you begin to suspect that, you are on your way to admitting that you might be more libertarian than Republican or Democrat

Investing Mostly in Bonds Means a Lower Lifestyle in Retirement
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In the midst of this turmoil, especially after this past summer’s sharp drop, many investors wonder if they should put all of their investments into something safe and avoid the markets altogether.

Rich Dad, Thankful Daughter
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Often times I wouldn’t buy for myself what my parents thought was needed. Items my parents thought were essential for me to own were purchased by them.

Video: Even Investment Losses Can Save You Money
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In the process of building wealth, saving a penny on your taxes is just as important as earning a penny in the markets.

Three Reasons to Give Thanks
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Here are three reasons to make time for thanksgiving during this national holiday weekend.

Video: Gifting Appreciated Securities Can Save You Money
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Americans are a generous people, and the end of the year is the time of year when most people do their charitable giving.

Charitable Giving: How to Choose Appreciated Stock
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Christmas is coming. This is the time of year to consider charitable giving. Let us assume you have decided you want to give appreciated stock instead of writing a check. Now what?

The Religious Roots of My Libertarian Leaning
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My original attraction to libertarian ideals started in political theory and theology rather than in politics. This is not surprising because I did both part of my undergraduate work and three years of my postgraduate work in philosophy and biblical studies.

Rich Dad, Saving Daughter
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Although sock drawers might be able to protect wealth from physical thieves, inflation is the dastardly villain who will raid it. As a child, I did not know of such economic forces let alone that they had an influence on my humble stash.

You Can’t Regulate Crooks
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Unnecessary regulation annoys the good guys, and doesn’t stop the bad guys.

Market Timing Test ($ ?s)
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Q: I have put my investments in bonds until this global economic crisis settles down and the economic woes of the European Union subside. Do you have any suggestions for indicators that I should look for to get back in?

Mailbag: My Home is 32 Times What I Paid for It. Isn’t that an Investment?
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Although the house does not pay me any money on an ongoing basis, I think it will represent a very good return on my money invested should I decide to sell.

Seven Reasons Why I Lean Libertarian
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Our daily articles this month at MarottaOnMoney.com are focusing on the ideas of libertarian politics. Last week I listed the first three reasons why I lean libertarian. Here are four more reasons I lean libertarian.

Radio: Why I Lean Libertarian
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David John Marotta was featured on radio 1070 WINA’s Rob Schilling show on November 8, 2011. The topic was why David leans libertarian, an appropriate topic for Election Day 2011.

Rich Dad, Creative Daughter
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One reason that many people buy things that they could have done without is “functional fixedness.” Teach children to prevent unnecessary purchases by making efforts to help them see other possible uses of owned objects.

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