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Our Articles

David John Marotta Receives Write-In Votes in Local Elections
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I was flattered to learn that I received several write in votes from among those dissatisfied with the choices presented on the ballot.

The Lowdown on HSAs ($ ?s)
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Q: It’s annual enrollment time, and my employer is now offering a health insurance plan with a $3,500 deductible and otherwise similar benefits as an alternative to our conventional HMO health plan. What do you recommend I do?

Ratio Of Takers To Givers Reaches A Tipping Point
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This is what makes the stock market in some countries better than others. Make sure that you understand freedom investing for your portfolio.

Why I Lean Libertarian, Part 1
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My youthful utopian idealism gave way slowly to my present midlife perspective. My life’s philosophical and experiential odyssey overturned many of my presuppositions. I learned over time that many of society’s assumptions are provably false. But it took courage to integrate this radical reevaluation of life.

Rich Dad, Discerning Daughter
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My dad taught me the opportunity cost of a Barbie airplane, or what alternative opportunities I would be giving up when I bought it, like buying twelve Barbies.

Grover Cleveland, The Last Libertarian President
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“If free-market advocates could resurrect a U.S. president to deal with today’s problems, many would choose Grover Cleveland.”

$ ?s: Am I On Track to Retire at 65?
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I’m turning 45 this year and the reality is hitting me that I am now about halfway through my working career. Am I on track to retire at age 65?

Libertarian Month
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November 2011 is Libertarian politics month. Libertarians are as diverse as the Democrat or Republican Party.

Is My House an Investment?
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Just because something costs a lot doesn’t mean it is an investment. An investment is something that pays you money.

Rich Dad, Wise Daughter
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For cheap or limited edition items, desire needs to undergo a trial other than the test of time and the Wait a Week principle should be modified.

Building A Rich Defense
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Multifamily offices and private banks see an increasing need for self-defense programs that help protect their wealthy clients.

Money ?s: Shorting Uncle Sam’s Debt
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Q: Is it now time to short Treasuries? What do you think about using inverse ETFs to play the inevitable bear market for U.S. bonds?

Mailbag: Which is Better, Vanguard Mutual Funds or ETFs?
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There are four minor advantages to using exchange traded funds instead of mutual funds.

Full-Nest Syndrome
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“With more adult children relying on their parents amid the economic uncertainty – or moving back home – well-laid financial plans could get trampled.”

Price Controls Are Never Good Economics
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Starting October 1, price controls were set by law on debit card swipe fees. Such populist well-intentioned legislation reduces economic freedom and slows economic growth.

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