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Advisers’ Two Toughest Words: ‘Save More’
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“Even the wealthy aren’t setting aside enough, but changing behavior is a struggle.”

Radio: How to Win the CNBC Million-Dollar Portfolio Challenge
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David John Marotta was featured on radio 1070 WINA’s Rob Schilling show on September 13, 2011. The topic was the CNBC million-dollar portfolio challenge, and how it does not emulate a good real-life investing strategy.

How to Win the CNBC Million-Dollar Portfolio Challenge
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CNBC’s million-dollar portfolio challenge begins next week. Participants can trade a fictional account of stocks and currency. Prizes are given over each of the 10 weeks, and then a grand prize winner is awarded a million.

Subscribe to Fee-Only Fiduciary Wealth Management Advice Today!
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Subscribe and receive the free video: “Boosting Returns through Static and Dynamic Asset Allocation”
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Think of static asset allocation as where to set your sails and dynamic asset allocation as a way to keep your balance as your boat glides and sometimes bounces through the waves.

Subscribe to Rich Dad, Rich Daughter Today!
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Subscribe to Marotta On Money Today!
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The Hedging Game
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“Structured products’ risk-reward ratio is worse than you think.”

Test Before You Invest
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Q: I am 53 years old and have never invested in the stock market. I have inherited $150,000 from a family member, and my son is recommending that I invest this money in the market. Do you agree?

Market Skid May Prompt Roth IRA ‘Do-Overs’
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Marotta’s Roth segregation technique of conversion and recharacterization was featured in InvestmentNews magazine.

Libertarians Should Invest More Down Under
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Libertarians and economists both recognize that countries with more economic freedom experience higher gross domestic product (GDP) growth. That growth translates into higher stock returns for investors savvy enough to look for governmental fiscal restraint rather than government stimulus.

Mailbag: Should I Buy Puts If I’m Worried About the Market?
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Won’t this hedge the markets and protect me in case the markets go down?

Mailbag: What Should I Do About a Class Action Lawsuit Against One of My Mutual Funds?
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Is it worth it to file all the paperwork just to collect a few buck?

Money Questions: Tips for College Freshmen
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Q: Our son is headed to Virginia Tech as a college freshman. When it comes to finances, he’s clueless. What financial advice should we offer before we drop him off?

An Appetizing Investment
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High Net Worth individuals are often solicited to provide funds for a private venture such as opening a new restaurant business. Think thrice before considering investing.

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