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Our Articles

Hitting the Debt Ceiling is Not the End of the World
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The Obama administration has been claiming that failure to raise the debt ceiling would be the end of the world. We are all tired of failed apocalyptic predictions. Perhaps all that will end is politics as usual.

Financial Troubles Hit Home the Hardest
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Money worries are harming marriages and impairing health, according to a quarter of 1,400 married individuals polled online recently by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.

‘Go Fishing’ in the Calm Sea of Bonds
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Adding bonds to an all-stock portfolio can boost returns and lower volatility, especially in choppy markets. Bonds should be a small but important part of your gone-fishing portfolio allocation.

Get More Bang For College Bucks
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Before you spot a single Ivy League or big-name private school, public campuses grab 17 of PayScale’s first 18 spots. Leading is Georgia Tech’s 13.9% return on investment. Next is the University of Virginia’s 13.3%.

Debt Talks Target Cost Of Living – Social Security Falls Further Behind
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To solve the deficit reduction riddle, Obama reportedly is embracing an idea that purports to raise tax revenue without a tax hike and claims to cut Social Security outlays without cutting benefits. Better check your wallet.

Some $100 Billion Locked Up In ‘Sliver’ of Hedge Funds
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Despite assurances to the contrary, a segment of hedge funds still has up to $100 billion locked up and won’t allow redemptions.

Global Fixed Income (International Bonds): Hedged or Unhedged?
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International bonds now make up more than 35% of the world’s investable assets, and yet many domestic investors have little or no exposure to these securities.

Radio: California vs. Amazon Battle
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On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 from noon-1pm, David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Rob Schilling Show. The topic was the battle between Amazon.com and the state of California over taxation.

‘Go Fishing’ With Hard Asset Stocks
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Hard assets have been one of the most significant asset classes over the last decade. From all indications, it will continue to be a critically important investment category to protect your portfolio from the effects of inflation and the continuing devaluation of the U.S. dollar.

How To Cut Taxes On Your IRA Withdrawals
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This article from Donald Jay Korn for Investor’s Business Daily describes the benefits of advance tax planning to reduce the tax bite that is inevitable as you grow older and required minimum distributions (RMDs) become a larger portion of your retirement account.

Obama’s Gasoline Change Doesn’t Change Basic Economics
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Last month the Obama administration announced it would release 30 million barrels of oil, the largest ever, from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Only those without an understanding of basic economics would applaud such a move.

Radio: Why Real Estate Should Be In Your Portfolio
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David Marotta discusses why real estate should be part of a portfolio asset allocation.

An Overseas Gone-Fishing Portfolio
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Even in our gone-fishing portfolios we suggest investing more overseas than in the United States. For most investors, foreign stocks will be their largest and most important allocation. Including the right mix of foreign stocks will help you relax and go fishing no matter which foreign seas are in turmoil.

Radio: Continue to Avoid the Ring-of-Fire Countries
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On Jun 21, 2011, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show to discuss which countries to avoid investing in, or to underweight, due to high debt and deficit and low economic freedom.

Radio: Continue Avoiding “Ring-of-Fire” Countries
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David Marotta discusses avoiding countries with high debt and deficit.

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