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Our Articles

Q&A: Can I Hire My Child If I Have a Solo-401(k)?
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You can find out if your child or other employee qualifies by reviewing your 401(k) plan document.

The Two Koreas
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After my military service in World War II, I warned fellow students that “there is going to be trouble in Korea!”

#TBT Five Reasons to Have Some Cash Equivalents
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Staying fully invested is an important part of your financial plan. Yet still, there are at least five reasons to hold cash.

The Pitfall of ‘Buy Term and Invest the Difference’?
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With life insurance salesmen, life insurance often becomes the hammer and any client concern a nail.

Charles Schwab: How to Order More Checks or Deposit Slips (2022 Update)
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Although this process is still more complex then the simple process Schwab used to have, it does appear to be an improvement from the last process they had in place.

#TBT Sage Advice After Stock Market Drop
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Old financial news read with 20-20 hindsight helps remind us that this is what markets do.

What To Do With Missing Cost Basis
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If you have cost basis information missing in a taxable account, it is important to work with your custodian on correcting the missing information.

How to Spend: Buy More (Podcast)
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In this two-part mini-series, we discuss the two sides of learning how to shop more effectively. This time, we discussed how to buy more value by being aware of where you are spending money.

Review: eBay Mastercard Credit Card
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Although this card is an easy way to pay 3% less for an eBay purchase, I won’t be adding it to my wallet since that is its only use.

Q&A: Roth Conversion When Traditional IRA is 90% of Net Worth?
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Because so much of your net worth is in traditional IRA, how quickly you expect to withdraw from your retirement account assets will heavily influence how quickly or slowly the math would advise that you convert.

How to Correct Excess Contributions at HSA Bank
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There are several reasons why you either might not be allowed to contribute the full amount or may accidentally over-contribute to an HSA.

#TBT Be Wary Of Sponsored Content
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As advertisers have found it harder and harder to reach consumers, they are continually seeking ways to gain your attention.

How the Kiddie Tax is Calculated
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Some investable assets in the name of the child can currently keep $2,300 of unearned income from the tax rate of the parents.

How to Spend: Spend Less (Podcast)
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In this two-part mini-series, we discuss the two sides of learning how to shop more effectively. This week, we talk about how to spend less money.

Why I-Bonds May Not Be As Great As They Seem
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If you’re thinking about buying an I Bond, make sure it fits properly into your financial plan, and you aren’t just chasing the high interest rate.

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