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Our Articles

Part 1: Social Security Is Still Broken
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All this toil to maintain an average benefit of about $12,000 a year!

Radio: The Impending Social Security Disaster
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David Marotta discusses how Social Security could offer more benefit for less cost.

The Seven Steps of Financial Preparedness
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When a hurricane threatens, making a plan and gearing up for emergencies is imperative. Economic emergencies happen too, but it may be less obvious how to prepare. Here are seven steps you should take to weather any financial storm.

Our Financial Crisis: The Result of Centralized Planning
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Regulation and centralized planning have caused financial instability and failing institutions. If this is the root cause, then many of the proposed solutions will only make matters worse.

Eastern Europe and Turkey: BRIC Wannabes
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Eastern European countries have been struggling out of the darkness of communist rule into the light of free markets.

BRIC Countries: China
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Free markets thrive when a country guarantees property rights and the rule of law. China possesses neither of these.

Radio: The Most Important Economic Political Issues
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David Marotta discusses how politics affect us.

BRIC Countries: A Passage to Indian Freedom
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“The fence itself grazed through the field.”

BRIC Countries: Russia
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Russia never really tried free markets. Rated at just below 50% free, Russia is considered repressed.

BRIC Countries: Brazil
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One area where Brazil has excelled is making headway toward energy independence.

Radio: Planning for College
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David Marotta discusses financial planning for a college education.

Behavioral Finance: Patience Is Its Own Reward
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To process financial information, our minds often attempt unwise shortcuts. By understanding behavioral finance, we can limit the information we use and keep our decisions balanced and on track.

Radio: Countries with Economic Freedom
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The benefits of investing in the countries with the most economic freedom.

Behavioral Finance: Herd Mentality
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One of the early studies on herd mentality was the Solomon Asch experiments in the 1950s. The setup was a mock vision test. In reality, all but one of the participants were actors, who after a few correct answers started agreeing unanimously on a wrong choice.

Behavioral Finance: Overconfidence
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Think of confidence as a continuum: Lack of confidence is paralyzing, self-confidence is good, but overconfidence is deadly. Successful investors seek to find a balance between rashness and timidity. Understanding the psychology that causes us to act overconfidently will help you avoid it.

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