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Our Articles

Socially Responsible Investing
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Delegating your morality to a fund’s screening process is like using a blunt instrument to do brain surgery.

Avoid Capital Gains Tax on the Sale of Your Home
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Consider moving your official place of residence to your vacation house, live in it 760 days out of five years, and then take the exclusion.

The United States – Land Of The Free
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“A wise and frugal government shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.” – Jefferson

O Canada, The True North Strong and Free!
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Canada is the one major country that is not included in the EAFE (Europe, Australia, and Far East) foreign index. Not only are they good neighbors but a good investment.

Health Savings Accounts
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One out of every ten patients consume 69 percent of health care costs. The other nine would benefit from an HSA.

Seven Financial Rules For Marital Bliss
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An overwhelming number of failed marriages cite financial troubles as a major factor in their breakup.

Outlook May 2006
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Rebalancing means selling what has done well and buying what has done poorly, not visa versa.

Community College Can Provide the Best Education
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Community college for the first two years is the best deal to avoid the mountains of student debt and still graduate from a top-rate school.

Tax Freedom Day Arrives on April 26th, 2006
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Due to our progressive tax system, your taxes increase even if your buying power does not.

Donald Mortlock – Making a Free Market
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My grandfather Donald Mortlock worked on Wall Street during and after the 1929 crash. The firm he worked for was a “market maker,” a company which helped to literally “make a market” in several stocks.

Florence Mortlock – Dignity is a Happy Ending
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The life of my grandmother Florence Mortlock provided me with many life lessons on finance and financial planning.

VRS: A Bird in Hand or Two in the Bush?
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Many people in this situation would choose the quick cash.

Eighty – Twenty Rule of Asset Allocation
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Investors are quick to forget that the markets also go down.

The French Kiss Of Death
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French labor laws have made doing business in France with French employees very unattractive.

How Your Children Can Win the Stock Market Game
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To meet your goals you don’t need to beat the investment returns of everyone else. Instead, you want a decent return in order to retire comfortably and to ensure a cash flow which will support your standard of living.

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