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Our Articles

Life Lesson #7: Talk to the Duck
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This common gift to new computer programmers hides a life lesson for us all.

#TBT Before You Get Out Of The Stock Market, Read This
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When you get out of the markets, you have made a huge gamble with your retirement money, and now the stakes are high.

This Month, Here’s How We Tilted (June 2022)
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This month, the forward P/E ratios showed considerable variation with many sectors returning to a fairer valuation.

Hoover Fellow Criticizes Faculty For Their Partisanship (June 1988)
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This letter to the editor from George Marotta was published in The Stanford Daily on June 24, 1988.

Current Inflation vs. Expected Inflation (June 2022)
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Currently, 12-month inflation is 8.58% and the crowdsourced expected inflation is 2.88%. Here’s what to do.

States with Tax-Exempt Interest from U.S. Debt Obligations
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As always, it is best to confer with a tax professional on matters such as these.

#TBT Q&A: Can a 529 Reimburse for Last Year’s Expenses?
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Unfortunately, neither “yes” nor “no” is a correct answer to this question.

A Second Dip Turns to Bear Market (June 2022)
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Stay the course. Rebalance. Don’t peek.

Life Lesson #6: Juggle Your Responsibilities
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Juggling domestic responsibilities is a second shift adults are burdened with. I find this analogy helps me to set my expectations and focus more properly.

How to Spend: Slow Down Spending (Podcast)
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Walking away from tempting purchases is particularly difficult, especially for those who regularly shop, but by training yourself to slow down in your spending, you can concentrate your dollars towards the purchases that create the most joy.

How to Survive High Inflation
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Inflation is like the rain. You must prepare in advance in order to stay dry.

How to Fund a Schwab Individual 401(k)
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Schwab recommends using one of the three methods discussed in this article to fund an individual 401(k).

How to Spend: Avoid Advertising (Podcast)
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In this podcast, we discuss the hazard of advertising for your budget and how to not fall prey to marketing tactics.

#TBT The Lower The Market Falls The More Important It Is To Stay Invested
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A recovery after a significant downturn in the markets is often marked by steep growth. If you sell and flatline, you will likely miss the market’s natural recovery and thus your own personal future recovery becomes very difficult.

Exemptions to Fiduciary Rule Jeopardize 401(k) Plans
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Being a fiduciary means more, regardless of what the Department of Labor might write in their press releases.

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