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Our Articles

Why We Need to Fix the Social Security Program Now
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The argument that workers might make mistakes is strange in light of the gross errors made by the government itself.

Investments In China
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Baring a real people’s revolution, it will take until 2050 for China to complete their slow march to free markets.

The Alternatives to Privatizing Social Security Are Worse – Part 2
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It is a tragic irony that the goals of collectivism are best achieved by respecting individual liberties.

The Alternatives To Privatizing Social Security Are Worse – Part 1
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The incentives that produce wealth also produce inequity. Valuing equality above all else destroys the real wealth they are trying to redistribute.

The Value of Emphasizing Value Stocks
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Overweighting investments with average higher return and lower risk is a win-win situation.

Social Security Is Hopelessly Broken
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The wealth gap between blacks and whites widens each generation as a direct result of Social Security.

How to Get Free-Only Financial Advice
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NAPFA members give away a great deal of valuable advice.

Exchange Traded Funds
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ETFs combine tax efficiency with low expenses.

We Could be in a Real Estate Bubble
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The value of any asset category does not go in one direction forever. The housing prices boom shows signs of weakness, and that they may correct or at least under perform for the next few years.

Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle – Part 3
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There is an art to selecting the right investment vehicles for individual portfolios.

Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle – Part 2
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Keeping expenses low helps keep your return high.

Why We Need to Fix the Social Security Program Now
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We are living too long and we don’t have as many children as we used to.

Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle – Part 1
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A good investment advisor will tailor the investments to the specific characteristics of the investor’s situation.

Personal Debt – The Borrower Becomes The Lender’s Slave
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The truly rich person is anyone whose income is greater than his or her expenses and whose expenses are sufficient to their desires.

Letter to the Wall Street Journal 12/3/2004
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Our children and grandchildren deserve better!

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