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Our Articles

Am I Limited to Only One Roth Conversion Per Year?
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Most people are able to do direct rollovers from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. In this way, most people can do any number of Roth conversions in one twelve-month period.

June Marotta’s Lesson Plan for Social Responsibility and Economics
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Like any good free market system, it is infinitely flexible, adapting to the needs and resources of the environment.

#TBT No One Tells the IRS You Did a QCD Except You
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Be sure to remember to tell your tax preparer that you did a QCD.

Enroll in Marotta’s Online Live Class (OLLI 2022)
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The class will be held March 10 through March 31, 2022 each Thursday from noon to 1:30 PM on Zoom.

Even The Premium is Risky in Long-Term Care Insurance
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Add this to the list of reasons to avoid long-term care insurance and strive to self-insure.

#BestOf2021 The Value of Systematic Roth Conversions
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Why do people do Roth conversions? Should I? This timeless article and video answers all your questions.

#TBT Roth Conversions are More Valuable During Bear Markets
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This 2020 article reminds us that if you ever sad about the size of your IRA balance, it might be a good time to convert to Roth.

Swap to Franklin Funds Saved Clients Over $100,000
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The estimated advantage of Franklin funds during 2021 was 0.40% or $118,955.

Individual Foreign Health Care in Review (December 2021)
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An initial equal weight strategy of these 26 companies implemented on January 1, 2021 and held without further buys or sells through December 31, 2021 had a +8.64% advantage over the foreign healthcare benchmark.

#BestOf2021 Can Someone Else Gift to My Roth IRA?
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Many people think that Roth IRA contributions can only be from earned income. Those people are only half right.

Design Your 2022 Savings Waterfall (Podcast)
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In this podcast, I discuss my recent article “Account Funding Priorities for 2022” and describe a savings waterfall for 2022. The idea is when new money flows your way, which one of these buckets is it going to land in?

Setting Your Children Up for Financial Success (Podcast)
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On the podcast, I share my experiences from my own parenting and how we can set ourselves and our children up for financial success.

#BestOf2021 Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?
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Many financial writers get the answer to this question wrong.

Freedom Investing in Review (December 2021)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending December 31, 2021, Developed Freedom Investing had a -0.12% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +1.27% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a +0.21% advantage.

Spam Analysis: Proprietary Stop-Loss Methodology
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It is important to understand your investment philosophy well enough to know what they aren’t telling you.

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