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Our Articles

Can Taxable Life Insurance Benefits Contribute to an IRA?
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If you have this fringe employer or former employer benefit, I hope you are able to take advantage of making small Roth IRA contributions throughout your retirement.

Dying Young is Not A Retirement Plan
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Yes, many retirees may die with significant assets. However, this helps to ensure that they have sufficient assets to support their lifestyle should they make it to age 100.

Q&A: How Do I Inherit a Relative’s 401(k) plan?
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“I’m 19 years old. How do I inherit a 401(k) from my aunt?”

Radio: Health Insurance Subsidies and Inflation
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On Tuesday, November 9, 2021, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about health insurance subsidies and inflation.

Q&A: Can I Leave Money to a 529 in My Estate?
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Can I leave money directly to those 529 plans in my estate plan?

The Costly Effect Of Saving In A Taxable Account
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The annual drag of taxable account taxation may seem like a small amount, but the effect over long periods of time such as 30 years is significant.

How to Calculate Your Possible Health Insurance Subsidies
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If you are already shopping for health insurance for 2022, consider getting an on-exchange health insurance plan. You may be surprised at how much subsidies you can receive.

How the Wealthy Can Take Advantage of Health Insurance Subsidies in 2022
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If you are currently shopping for health insurance for 2022, consider getting an on-exchange health insurance plan. You may be surprised at how much subsidies you can receive.

Purchasing an Annuity was My 42-Year Financial Mistake
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You don’t need to know why an annuity is a bad deal to say no.

Radio: Systemic Inequality in the Social Security Rules
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On Tuesday, August 10, 2021, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about Systemic Inequality in the Social Security Rules.

Be Relentless About Turning Off Marketing
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By being relentless about turning off marketing, you protect your finances from the poor decisions that advertising inspires.

How To Use a Marotta Capital Gains Tax Hurdle Report
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These complex formulas help decide when highly appreciated investments should be sold and the proceeds put in a different investment philosophy.

How to Donate Appreciated Stock to Your Donor Advised Fund (Schwab Charitable)
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Once your Donor Advised Fund has been opened, Schwab Charitable has a very straightforward process for donating appreciated stock to charity.

Freedom Investing in Review (September 2021)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending September 30, 2021, Developed Freedom Investing had a +0.70% advantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +1.64% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a +0.71% advantage.

The Role of a Roth IRA in Early Retirement
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There are several distribution rules that make Roth IRAs great savings tools for early retirees.

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