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Our Articles

Marotta’s 2021 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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We recommend this gone-fishing portfolio for accounts hosted at Vanguard.

#TBT How Do You Value a Gift of Stock for Taxes?
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This straightforward article about how to value your charitable gifts of appreciated stock may help you in preparing your tax return this year.

We Added Individual Stocks to Our Foreign Allocations (January 2021)
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We believe these 26 companies will be an effective weight to add foreign healthcare to our portfolios.

2020 in Review
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Looking closer into each asset class, here’s how our top six asset classes performed between January 1 and December 31, 2020.

A Financial Planner’s Review of Instacart Grocery Pick-Up
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After trying Instacart again a handful of times, I finally decided that in-person shopping was cheaper and more effective for my family.

The Complete Guide to Funding a Custodial Roth IRA
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Here you can find our article series detailing how and why you should fund a custodial Roth IRA for your children.

Account Funding Priorities for 2021
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Which account you should fund depends on your circumstances. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to make your decision.

Two Charitable Tax Savings for Spontaneous Donors
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Utilizing tax-smart spontaneous giving only requires the smallest amount of planning ahead.

Q&A: What are the Tax Rates for an Inherited IRA?
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The short answer is that most taxable distributions from inherited IRAs are taxed at the the child / beneficiary’s income tax rate. The longer answer is that there are multiple chances for inheritance to be taxed.

#BestOf2020 Should I Change My Strategy During the Presidential Election Cycle?
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With timeless advice, this article can help you make decisions during uncertain times.

SEC Still Allows ‘Advisor’ Confusion
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Avoid allowing the firm that has custody of your assets to also give you advice.

How Do You Report Withdrawals from Roth Contribution Basis?
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To take advantage of tax-free penalty-free Roth withdrawals of contribution basis, you need to keep careful records of your Roth contributions.

Q&A: Can I Fund My HSA with Appreciated Stock?
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Sadly, the IRS is very clear about this; contributions must be cash.

#BestOf2020 Should I Pull Out of the Stock Market Now?
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A timeless question with a consistent answer, this article helps you determine if your asset allocation is appropriate enough that you should continue to stay the course.

SRI Equivocates on The Word ‘Invest’
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Instead of changing your investment strategy, you should focus on changing your spending habits and charitable giving to help further the social good you want in the world.

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