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Our Articles

A Surprising Lesson from the COVID Quarantine
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Yes, we are merely human, but our ideas and our analysis are powerful.

Looking Backward on Socialism: Free College Education For All
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On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show to take a closer look at the calls for free college education in the socialist utopia.

Misuse Of The Term ‘Rebalance’
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That is not what anyone means by the term “rebalancing.” The misuse of the term on Investment News was glaring.

Who Should Own My Child’s 529 Account to Assist the FAFSA?
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With the grandparents as the owner rather than the parent, the student may have a better chance of receiving financial aid.

Can I Deduct a 529 Contribution to an Account I Don’t Own?
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Unfortunately, the answer is that you cannot. The 529 account owner receives any state tax deductions for contributions make to their account.

We Added 2 New U.S. Stock Sectors to Our Allocations
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We decided to add two new sectors after generating several hundred efficient frontier graphs of various United States classifications, industries, and sectors over a variety of time periods.

What About The Traditional 60/40 Portfolio?
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In our age-appropriate asset allocation models, we don’t recommend a 60/40 portfolio until you are between age 80 and 87.

How to Claim Your Virginia State Tax 529 Contribution Deduction
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Form ADJ of the 760 lines 8a – 8c are where you report miscellaneous deductions.

Radio: How COVID-19 Changed Real Estate
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City real estate will be a little less expensive and suburbs and the countryside will be a little more expensive.

How to Self-Insure for Long-Term Care Health Expenses
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If you save this target, your assets have a better chance of seeing you all the way to the end.

Risk-Return Analysis of Freedom Investing
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In this article, I am reviewing the quantitative measurements and performance metrics of Freedom Investing to see how its risk and return compare to the EAFE Index, its benchmark.

Schwab Mobile App: Transfer Money Between Accounts
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The Schwab mobile app gives you the ability to transfer money between your accounts at Schwab within moments.

Radio: David John Marotta On ‘Real Estate Matters’ with Michael Guthrie
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On November 16, 2019, David John Marotta appeared on “Real Estate Matters” with Michael Guthrie.

Stay Invested After Volatile Quarters
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This data shows that there is no historical justification for selling to cash during volatile market movements.

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